We got a late start this morning taking off on the quads. We really didn’t decide to go till it was about 10am. Then had to dress WARM, get lunch made, drinks, etc.. by the time we hit the road is was after 11am. Another hold up was when we reached about Brassfield’s I asked Ev if he got the “waters”?? ooopss forgot.. uumm.. so I sat at Brassfield’s gate while Ev went back home to get waters… So now it was Noon when we really got started.. We were happy we dressed really warm!! I mean really warm! Long johns, t-shirt, sweat shirt, plus neck scarf and heavy coat..
Ev had insulated jumpsuit on and long johns, plus whatever else.. sooo happy we had all those clothes on! By the time we turned off at about Tulip Hill (behind on dirt road), MAN did it get COLD and there was snow and then more snow, LOTS OF SNOW!! COLD!! Driving the quad was exciting, slipping and sliding a bit here and there..then there were dirt patches so we could get traction..
Its quite a long ride out to the reservoir, about 35 miles from our house.. It took us 3 hours to get there and of course, yes it did take us nearly 3 hours to get back!! And was it ever cold!! There is one stretch of dirt road that is on the back side of a mountain, that doesn’t get much sun.. So there is LOTS of snow on the road, good down.. icy coming back!! OMG if we had been any later, not sure we would have made it up that stretch of 5 miles!! But we did..
We had lunch at Barlett Springs. What used to be Barlett Springs before some idot decided he was mad at the cops for busting his marijuana and burned the buildings all down! So lets just spoil it forever one!
We never seem to realize that it is about another 13 miles or so to Indian Valley Res from Barlett Springs.. It was late when we got to the Reservoir, about 3:15pm and we still needed to ride back.. And that is about 35 miles back..So we high tailed it back.. I gotta tell ya, it was DAM COLD! Even with all these clothes on!! But we managed.. At one point Ev decided he needed to drive through the creek.. ?? aaawww yeah, well.. He did it and he didn’t get wet! Cause if he did, he would have been soooooooooo cold coming home..
By the time we reached the ridge above Clearlake, the sun was just setting.. Talk about gorgeous!! It was awesome, GLORIOUS! Enjoy the shots..
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