We got a late start on Saturday 12/29/12 headed up to T & T’s log cabin at Somerset. It’s about a 3 hour drive, but if you travel like Ev & I it takes a bit longer.. Had to stop at Costco and get a few things and eat lunch, etc..
We did arrive at the cabin about 3:30pm that afternoon.
The weather was lovely, bright sun, crisp days and nights, thankfully no rain or snow..
There was just the 6 of us this year. Tony, Tash, Rich, Judy and Ev & I. Not to mention the 7 dogs!!
Tony had a loft built above the pump house, so that is where Ev & I and our babies slept.. The room wasn’t all the way finished, but plenty cozy and beautiful setting. AND it was nice and warm!! Cute balcony that looks over the neighbors vineyard, a little stream trickling by and very quite.. Quite only till about 8:30 am when all the big dogs were let out of the house and they would come running and barking by as if they were chasing a fox!! That was kind of the signal there was “life” inside the house.. But on those chilly mornings, who wants to get out of those nice warm beds?? NOT ME!!
The cabin was all nicely decorated when we arrived on Saturday. Lovely noble fir tree all trimming with lights and ornaments, smelled like “Christmas”. Mantel done with fresh cedar branches with glistening lights. The cabin on the outside had icicle lights dripping from the eves.. The house was cozy warm with a warm fire in the pellet stove!!
The 4 of them had been there since the Friday before Christmas.. They were happy to see some “fresh meat”.. Judy & Tasha made dinner the first night we were there. We had some cut up cheeses before dinner along with some Martini’s. After dinner we went in and watched a bit of TV and just enjoyed familiar friends and surroundings.
Sunday Ev was up early and headed up to Kirkwood for a day of snow skiing!! Talked to Ev a couple of times that day and he was loving the beautiful skiing conditions!! Something he hadn’t enjoyed in many years!
Tasha & Judy made up breakfast that Sunday morning… We ate a late breakfast and then all piled into the Toyota and off to Jackson we went to go shopping!! We found a few treasures!! Enjoyed the decorations of the season that draped most every store. Lovely garlands with glistening lights stretching across the street from building to building, some with pine wreaths and bows. The parking meters had swags of greens with bows. Very festive.
We all tried to stay all together stopping in this cute little store here and there.. We even had fun trying on hats!!
We stopped in the Main street bar and a drink to warm our souls and spirits.
Then moseyed on down to the new Jackson Hotel (refurbished) it is GORGEOUS!! Takes you back to a time when things weren’t so modern, giving you that warm and welcoming feeling.. Very tastefully decorated! Not sure how long they will be open?? The prices are pretty elaborate!!
Took some nice pictures.. Hope they will be there for awhile..
Soon we were on our back to the cabin..Picked up Ev and off to Placerville to the Mexican restaurant!! uumm good.. We sure covered a lot of ground that day!! We got a reservation and it was a darn good thing we did!! Place was packed when we got there! We all ordered a drink, some martinis and some margaritas.. Rich & Judy were away when I celebrated my birthday back in November so they decided we shouldcelebrate it once more..
New Years Eve day… sleep in day.. lazy type day.. seemed like everyone was having a lax-a-daisy-al-day.. We were trying to be ready for the night.. We were going to have a group effort for doing dinner.. T & T invited some neighbors and another friend to enjoy the evening festivities.
T & T worked on getting the tables set for the 9 of us to all sit together. Judy got her ribs pre cooked and ready to serve. While I made up a pork tenderloin with a light cranberry/rosemary sauce with some Rosemary Potatoes and asparagus. Turned out that most of the food I made I cooked on the barb-q. Only one oven, so the barb-q for me works GREAT! I think all the food turned out deliciouso!
The evening was warm and friendly.. Getting to know new people and sharing stories/memories with friends. Very relaxing…The evening turned out not be so late.. Only Ev saw the New Year in.. While the rest of us fizzled slowly.. Our bon fire?? awww guess we will have to do that another time..
New Years Day.. Got a great nights sleep (went to bed early ).. Ev and I got the dogs leashed up and off we went for about a 4 mile or more walk.. Very crisp, very white from the severe cold temperature .. burrr… We walked briskly and were very warm in no time.. We strolled up a dirt road with homes far and few between. Surveyed the countryside, checking out the streams and little ponds, old fences, horses, etc..Later that day we all drove up to the snow line and walked about a mile or so in the snow.. dogs had a ball!!
We really had a fun time at the snow! For New Years Dinner that night, we had smoked pheasant and a smoked duck for dinner. Ev’s cousin Jane and her family sent us this as a Christmas gift.. Brought in the New Year trying something different..
We left this morning about 11am and headed for home.. Stopped in Old Sac for lunch at Joe’s Crab Shack.. Food was “ok”.. Don’t have the “fish & chips”… just awful, old grease/oil, tasted lousy.. Ev had the salmon, it was good.. Clam Chowder was pretty good too.. We did walk around a bit.. Old Sac doesn’t have much down there, a quite a few restaurants, a few little stores.. but?? not really much shopping.. a sign of the times I am afraid.. Did go into the Chamber of Commerce and talked with the sweet woman that was working there.. We discussed the parking meters.. she said they probably will never take them out!! Sacramento got a revenue of more than 8 MILLION DOLLARS last year.. oh well..
Old Sac on the riverfront Christmas Tree..
We are home and unpacked and I have caught you all up on the weeks events.. We wish you a very Happy 2013!! May you be blessed with good health and prosperity!!
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