Wednesday morning during breakfast we decided to take a ride over to Lake Pillsbury. The lake isn’t really too far away.. about 50 miles one way..
We decided to go up through Upper Lake and out Elk Mountain Road.. Most of the road is paved, about 8 miles was dirt.. The dirt road is probably in better shape than the paved.. It was a beautiful drive.. We did find that there are a couple of campgrounds back there.. and some great places to quad ride.. maybe we will try taking the quads next week.. The weather has been wonderful, so as long as it holds.. we will probably go..
Beautiful Clearlake in California

Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Lake Pillsbury
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Reno Bound 1/23/13
WOW it is already Wednesday! And we are headed to Reno!
Originally Lynn Ringuette and I were going to Reno for a couple of days. Then when my brother Rick & Lynn were coming down, we all planned to go. Lynn (my sister in law) with my friend Lynn would ride up in one car and stay in one room (Lynn my friend got comp’d rooms) and then Rick & Ev stay in another room. They were gonna get up early on Thursday and head up to ski. Good plan..
As we were driving up to Reno we decided to stop in Truckee for lunch at a little Mexican place.. Ended up Rick & Ev got to eat lunch with us too. They took a different route than we did..
We got to Reno about 3ish and Lynn R. headed straight to the Pai Gow table.. I made arrangements to meet up with our friends Mike & Maryann for dinner. They wanted us to come by their place for drinks then go to dinner at the Eldorado (right next to where we were staying at the Calneva). Lynn R. joined us for dinner. Had a nice buffet at the Eldorado. Good visit..
My camera this last week wasn’t working very good this last week! Hopefully I got it figured out..
Thursday morning Rick & Ev headed to the slopes bright and early. Got a call from them about 9am and they were headed back to Reno.. Apparently, it was raining at Northstar and it wasn’t cold and the price of a lift ticket was $100 plus.. so they decided not to pay that price to ski in the rain all day.. Don’t blame them a bit.. Lynn R was up and gone each morning before 7am for her Pai Gow.. Girl is nuts for that game!
The guys got back from their morning ride up the mountain and wanted to go up to Virginia City.. Sounded fun to us!
We had such a fun time! We did lots of site seeing, did a lot of bar hopping.. lots of bars!!
Met this little lady from Canada, Lillian.. She was traveling with a group of people on a bus. They were headed to Vegas and Laughlin.. She didn’t really know how to use her camera phone so gave her some lessons, hopefully she remembered.. She was so sweet..
We continued bar hopping and playing a little here and there.. Weather was cooperative, a few showers here and there..
We are meeting Lynn R for dinner so we started back to Reno.. We stopped by Cold Water Creek where I bought a coat.. nice jacket.. Then we stopped at the Peppermill for about an hour and then back to the Calneva for dinner with Lynn R.
We ate in the steak house at the Calneva. Lynn R had comps in excess of $100!!
Thank you Lynn for treating us to a great dinner! And a really good time! No one won any money on this trip.. We all made a donation… So next month Ev and I will go up and visit our money..and see Mike & Maryann..
Friday was going home day. Rick & Lynn left about 9ish and were head home by way of Lincoln City, OR (didn’t loose enough money in Reno?) and to Chinock Casino..But?? Rick won and won most of all the money he lost in Reno.. aaww relief…
We left Reno after breakfast, about 1030..
We arrived at home about 4ish on Friday.. Rick & Lynn got home Saturday late afternoon..
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Quad Ride and Dinner Party 1/21/13
We all were ready for our ride by 10:15. We climbed on the quads and off we went for our 85 mile ride today! Plus I had invited some of our friends that know Rick & Lynn up for dinner. Invited my nephew Tim and his fiancé Melissa (first time we met her) also up for dinner.
What was I thinking having a dinner party after a long quad ride..?? ding ding ding??? Fortunately I was organized. Last night I got the table set and got everything ready to go into the crock pot in the morning. Within a matter of 2 hours I got breakfast done, our lunch done for the ride and dinner ready for that evening.. no bad huh?? Didn’t I say?? ding ding ding?
We had a fun fun ride! We couldn’t have picked a better day for a ride!! Weather was perfect! We rode out to Indian Valley Res (this the second time in two weeks!). This time Ev got this really bright idea that we should go down by the dam.. However the road we took wasn’t to the dam! It took us nearly to Hwy 20 east of the reservoir.. not sure where the road to the dam was?? We finally figured out that we should just go back to the reservoir eat our lunch and head back home..My ideal time was to get back home by 4-430 so I could shower and get my dinner together before everyone arrived.. We made great time coming back.. Rick & Lynn were way out in front of us!! They got back home a half hour before us!! DANG!! We got home and they had washed the bike and already showered and were gonna make a quick trip down to the casino before dinner..
Pot roast with veggies came out delicious!! I made some homemade White Clam Chowder, so we had that too!We had a very nice visit with everyone!!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Petaluma Visit
We had to wake Rick & Lynn about 11:30 on Saturday morning so we could get to Petaluma to see family/friends.
Lindsy & Chris were hosting the family/friends get together at their place. We had a couple stops to make at Costco, etc..
Before long we were all together and having a nice visit.
Rick’s longtime friend Phil and wife Toni also joined us for this joyous reunion! Phil, Rick, John and Ev stood out by the barb-q cooking the tri-tip while the rest of us stayed in the house to keep warm!! Chris had to work for few hours, so he missed out on the visit
The kids all had fun with Uncle Rick! He just gets down on the floor with them and wrestles with them and lets them climb all over him.. not sure who is more of a kid? Rick or the kids!! Rick & Lynn stayed with my sister Kim and we stayed with Lindsy & Chris’.
We had made plans to meet for breakfast at the 101 casino on Sunday morning.
After breakfast the guys were going over to Phil & Toni’s for the playoff games and Lynn, Lindsy and me went and did a little shopping. Met back up with the guys at Phil & Toni’s and soon were on our way..
We started home about 3:30, stopped at Costco and home by about 6pm.. I had a meatloaf that I had taken out of the freezer before we left, so I popped that in the oven for dinner. Thought it would be good for sandwiches for our quad ride tomorrow (Monday) back to Indian Valley Res..
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Rick & Lynn arrive early Saturday Morning
January 19th, 6:30am..
Rick & Lynn arrived early on Saturday morning after a grueling long drive from their home in Orting to our place here in the Oaks.. They left on Friday about 2pm, but unfortunately they hit some STOPPED TRAFFIC on I-5 for approx. 90 plus minutes.. DANG that isn’t a very good start! Then of course Friday night traffic in Portland. Weather wasn’t very cooperative either.. started out with rain, then freezing temperatures and FOG most of the way through Oregon and driving at night.. Sorry I can’t do night driving, rather contend with daylight conditions! Of course as they passed 7 Feathers Casino those LONG arms on those slot machines, pulled them in!!
As they crested the summit, “Siskiyous” about Yreka the temperature outside shot up to a balmy 48 degrees..As they declined back down into the valley the temperatures dropped once again to below freezing temps! Its been a very cold January with no rain/snow.
As they passed the Moose Lodge here at the Oaks, the temps were 20 degrees! By the time they arrived at our house (3 miles) again the temps had risen to 38 degrees. Cold no matter which way you look at it!!! bbuurrrr 16 hour drive!! wow…
Of course Ev and me didn’t sleep real well doing the “waiting” game (of course driving it is worse), however the anticipation of them arriving safely was well worth it!
We were in bed still when they arrived and we had left the front door unlocked so they could have come in if they had gotten here during the night.. Lynn came into run to the bathroom and the DOGS DIDN’T EVEN BARK!~ Some watch dogs they are!
We visited with Rick & Lynn for a little while then off to bed they went.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Out to Dinner with Friends
We met Ryan & Freda a few years back. Their home is below us on Alta Vista.. Their permanent home is in Vallejo.. We don’t get to see them much because Ryan’s health is suffering some. He is a diabetic and is having lots of issues.. However, we were so happy they got to come up for a couple of days.. When I talked with Freda she wanted to go out to dinner.. So we settled on Howard’s in Clearlake.
We had a lovely time sharing stories over a nice bottle of wine and dinner..
Monday, January 14, 2013
Philosophical Society Group 1/13/13
We had a such a fabulous turnout on Sunday for our regular meeting! We had a whopping 34 turn out!!
Riviera Hills Restaurant Our brunch was great!! The food/service was wonderful!
I would most definitely recommend you check them out!! The food presented so nicely on the plate as well as the most important, “IT TASTED GOOD”!
Our meeting was fun too!! John Blakeslee, John O’Maley, Al Beardon and Mike Fechner told some great jokes.. I even told one..
After brunch a few of us stayed at the bar sharing stories.. It was a fun day!! Great group of people!!
View the brunch menu at the Riviera Hills Restaurant below..
Monday, January 7, 2013
Quad Ride to Indian Valley Reservoir 1/7/13
We got a late start this morning taking off on the quads. We really didn’t decide to go till it was about 10am. Then had to dress WARM, get lunch made, drinks, etc.. by the time we hit the road is was after 11am. Another hold up was when we reached about Brassfield’s I asked Ev if he got the “waters”?? ooopss forgot.. uumm.. so I sat at Brassfield’s gate while Ev went back home to get waters… So now it was Noon when we really got started.. We were happy we dressed really warm!! I mean really warm! Long johns, t-shirt, sweat shirt, plus neck scarf and heavy coat..
Ev had insulated jumpsuit on and long johns, plus whatever else.. sooo happy we had all those clothes on! By the time we turned off at about Tulip Hill (behind on dirt road), MAN did it get COLD and there was snow and then more snow, LOTS OF SNOW!! COLD!! Driving the quad was exciting, slipping and sliding a bit here and there..then there were dirt patches so we could get traction..
Its quite a long ride out to the reservoir, about 35 miles from our house.. It took us 3 hours to get there and of course, yes it did take us nearly 3 hours to get back!! And was it ever cold!! There is one stretch of dirt road that is on the back side of a mountain, that doesn’t get much sun.. So there is LOTS of snow on the road, good down.. icy coming back!! OMG if we had been any later, not sure we would have made it up that stretch of 5 miles!! But we did..
We had lunch at Barlett Springs. What used to be Barlett Springs before some idot decided he was mad at the cops for busting his marijuana and burned the buildings all down! So lets just spoil it forever one!
We never seem to realize that it is about another 13 miles or so to Indian Valley Res from Barlett Springs.. It was late when we got to the Reservoir, about 3:15pm and we still needed to ride back.. And that is about 35 miles back..So we high tailed it back.. I gotta tell ya, it was DAM COLD! Even with all these clothes on!! But we managed.. At one point Ev decided he needed to drive through the creek.. ?? aaawww yeah, well.. He did it and he didn’t get wet! Cause if he did, he would have been soooooooooo cold coming home..
By the time we reached the ridge above Clearlake, the sun was just setting.. Talk about gorgeous!! It was awesome, GLORIOUS! Enjoy the shots..
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
New Years at Tony/Tasha’s 2012-2013
We got a late start on Saturday 12/29/12 headed up to T & T’s log cabin at Somerset. It’s about a 3 hour drive, but if you travel like Ev & I it takes a bit longer.. Had to stop at Costco and get a few things and eat lunch, etc..
We did arrive at the cabin about 3:30pm that afternoon.
The weather was lovely, bright sun, crisp days and nights, thankfully no rain or snow..
There was just the 6 of us this year. Tony, Tash, Rich, Judy and Ev & I. Not to mention the 7 dogs!!
Tony had a loft built above the pump house, so that is where Ev & I and our babies slept.. The room wasn’t all the way finished, but plenty cozy and beautiful setting. AND it was nice and warm!! Cute balcony that looks over the neighbors vineyard, a little stream trickling by and very quite.. Quite only till about 8:30 am when all the big dogs were let out of the house and they would come running and barking by as if they were chasing a fox!! That was kind of the signal there was “life” inside the house.. But on those chilly mornings, who wants to get out of those nice warm beds?? NOT ME!!
The cabin was all nicely decorated when we arrived on Saturday. Lovely noble fir tree all trimming with lights and ornaments, smelled like “Christmas”. Mantel done with fresh cedar branches with glistening lights. The cabin on the outside had icicle lights dripping from the eves.. The house was cozy warm with a warm fire in the pellet stove!!
The 4 of them had been there since the Friday before Christmas.. They were happy to see some “fresh meat”.. Judy & Tasha made dinner the first night we were there. We had some cut up cheeses before dinner along with some Martini’s. After dinner we went in and watched a bit of TV and just enjoyed familiar friends and surroundings.
Sunday Ev was up early and headed up to Kirkwood for a day of snow skiing!! Talked to Ev a couple of times that day and he was loving the beautiful skiing conditions!! Something he hadn’t enjoyed in many years!
Tasha & Judy made up breakfast that Sunday morning… We ate a late breakfast and then all piled into the Toyota and off to Jackson we went to go shopping!! We found a few treasures!! Enjoyed the decorations of the season that draped most every store. Lovely garlands with glistening lights stretching across the street from building to building, some with pine wreaths and bows. The parking meters had swags of greens with bows. Very festive.
We all tried to stay all together stopping in this cute little store here and there.. We even had fun trying on hats!!
We stopped in the Main street bar and a drink to warm our souls and spirits.
Then moseyed on down to the new Jackson Hotel (refurbished) it is GORGEOUS!! Takes you back to a time when things weren’t so modern, giving you that warm and welcoming feeling.. Very tastefully decorated! Not sure how long they will be open?? The prices are pretty elaborate!!
Took some nice pictures.. Hope they will be there for awhile..
Soon we were on our back to the cabin..Picked up Ev and off to Placerville to the Mexican restaurant!! uumm good.. We sure covered a lot of ground that day!! We got a reservation and it was a darn good thing we did!! Place was packed when we got there! We all ordered a drink, some martinis and some margaritas.. Rich & Judy were away when I celebrated my birthday back in November so they decided we shouldcelebrate it once more..
New Years Eve day… sleep in day.. lazy type day.. seemed like everyone was having a lax-a-daisy-al-day.. We were trying to be ready for the night.. We were going to have a group effort for doing dinner.. T & T invited some neighbors and another friend to enjoy the evening festivities.
T & T worked on getting the tables set for the 9 of us to all sit together. Judy got her ribs pre cooked and ready to serve. While I made up a pork tenderloin with a light cranberry/rosemary sauce with some Rosemary Potatoes and asparagus. Turned out that most of the food I made I cooked on the barb-q. Only one oven, so the barb-q for me works GREAT! I think all the food turned out deliciouso!
The evening was warm and friendly.. Getting to know new people and sharing stories/memories with friends. Very relaxing…The evening turned out not be so late.. Only Ev saw the New Year in.. While the rest of us fizzled slowly.. Our bon fire?? awww guess we will have to do that another time..
New Years Day.. Got a great nights sleep (went to bed early ).. Ev and I got the dogs leashed up and off we went for about a 4 mile or more walk.. Very crisp, very white from the severe cold temperature .. burrr… We walked briskly and were very warm in no time.. We strolled up a dirt road with homes far and few between. Surveyed the countryside, checking out the streams and little ponds, old fences, horses, etc..Later that day we all drove up to the snow line and walked about a mile or so in the snow.. dogs had a ball!!
We really had a fun time at the snow! For New Years Dinner that night, we had smoked pheasant and a smoked duck for dinner. Ev’s cousin Jane and her family sent us this as a Christmas gift.. Brought in the New Year trying something different..
We left this morning about 11am and headed for home.. Stopped in Old Sac for lunch at Joe’s Crab Shack.. Food was “ok”.. Don’t have the “fish & chips”… just awful, old grease/oil, tasted lousy.. Ev had the salmon, it was good.. Clam Chowder was pretty good too.. We did walk around a bit.. Old Sac doesn’t have much down there, a quite a few restaurants, a few little stores.. but?? not really much shopping.. a sign of the times I am afraid.. Did go into the Chamber of Commerce and talked with the sweet woman that was working there.. We discussed the parking meters.. she said they probably will never take them out!! Sacramento got a revenue of more than 8 MILLION DOLLARS last year.. oh well..
Old Sac on the riverfront Christmas Tree..
We are home and unpacked and I have caught you all up on the weeks events.. We wish you a very Happy 2013!! May you be blessed with good health and prosperity!!