Burrr soooo cold this morning.. ice in the tubs outside, ice crystals everywhere.. too cold to jump up this morning.. started generator and finished watching our movie that we started last night.. It was just too cold to get going early..
Ev wanted some trout this morning for breakfast. I put them in some foil with some lemon, butter, salt & pepper, wrapped them up and put them on the bbq on low for about 20 minutes and they were perfect.. cooked up some eggs and toast.. good to go.. Today is surely colder than the past couple of days, more wind.. not sure if we will get to kayak today or not??
Went down to the boat luanch to fish.. threw our lines in and again and probably 30 times, NO BITES NO FISH!!?? OMG!! The bite was done.. Ev’s reel isn’t working the best so we decided to get some water for the trailer.. uumm but on our way we decided to stop at Little Medicine Lake.. here the bite was good!! Not terrific, but much better than the boat launch on Medicine.. Wind was still strong, but the small lake was more protected.. took us a couple of hours but we limited once again…
When we got back to camp, the neighbor/next camp over asked if we had seen the 10 year old boy named Michael when we were driving?? We said no, but were happy to go looking.. So we hopped in the truck and started driving up and down the loops asking people if they had seen Michael.. Went down to the boat ramp and asked there as well.. people were genuinely concerned! After about a half hour of looking, someone from our neighboring camp said they had found Michael.. He had gotten disorientated and walked down by the water where his Uncle saw him and picked him up..Thank God.. such a relief.. we were so worried!
Ev cleaned the fish and I made lunch.. we had our lunch and then Ev took a rest while me and the dogs took a walk around the camp ground.. I put in an apple crisp in the oven before our walk.. uummm smells so good…
We will be leaving in the morning.. good thing.. we are almost out of fuel for the generator!! and we are low on propane.. didn’t think we would be this far from any services.. need to be more prepared next time..
Dinner is a bit late this evening… wanted to get some things packed up.. And needed to get the last bit of fishing in.. caught a couple more but let them go.. too much cleaning of fish today… Had to worry about getting things packed.. weather is changing.. rain/snow possible tonight.. got what we could packed and what we couldn’t went under the awning.. In the meantime.. we had a gourmet dinner.. Filet Minion, twice baked potatoes and sautéed mushrooms along with some home grown sliced tomatoes<< last of the season..and dessert was homemade apple crisp…uuummm ummmm so good.. great last night dinner..
Saturday we leave Medicine Lake.. We will spend some time with Glorianne & Stan at their place in McArthur.. They are putting on a Harvest Dinner and the closing of the Museum at Fall River Mills for the season..
Can’t wait to help Glorianne and give her a hand in getting things ready for that Harvest Dinner.. .. and then on Monday we will be home.. Looking forward to our cooler weather..
By the 15th of Oct.. should be pleasant..
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