Beautiful Clearlake in California

Beautiful Clearlake in California
Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
Update: March 6th, 2016.
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ernie & Shirley’s Halloween Bash 2012

Ernie & Shirley host a smashing Halloween Bash every year! Shirley is crazy for Halloween as I am about Christmas! They out did themselves this year! Ernie made 3 bird houses that look like pontoon boats and on HUGE hotel type bird house! He does such a fabulous job on them! Then he gives them away as he did last night. (We were one of the lucky ones last year!) They give tickets out and then draw the winning ticket.. Everyone is always thrilled when they win one of his bird houses!! They also did an array of other gifts as well. They have cute little party favors..

halloween 094

We vote on Best Costume, last night we even voted on 2nd Best Costume and prizes are awarded. They both put so much thought into the celebration! The house and yard are all decorated with decorations! Food galore! Most of the food is all done by Shirley, amazing..  They had little games that they also planned, a ring toss (couldn’t get the ring on the witches hat!) and a ping pong ball into glasses that had little candy type prizes (I won some candy).. too too much!! Smile
Fun time was had by all.. Thanks for a grand time Ernie & Shirley!!

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