We arrived about 2pm on May 20th which was Tuesday. Glorianne and Stan had reserved the camp for them for Monday and Tuesday.. We were reserved for Tuesday/Wednesday and Thursday.
We got our camp all set up while they were away shopping for the upcoming Shelly Creek event coming up that weekend. What a gorgeous day it was..
We just bought some new chairs and thought it would be nice to just kick back and enjoy our surroundings…
That night we enjoyed dinner with Glorianne and Stan.. It was wonderful to see them.. We hadn’t seen them since the first of Oct of 2013 when we camped up at Medicine lake..
We would only spend the one night together and then they would leave to go so they could set up for the weekend at Shelly Creek.
We didn’t get up too early on Wednesday, but tried our luck (fishing at the “bridge”).. but had no luck.. Fishing wasn’t very good. WE took a ride up to the Hat Creek campground and tried fishing there as well. We ran into John Becker and girl that I went to school with husband.. Kathy Satori Becker.. Small world.. Even smaller when we talked to the people he was with\.. Kirk who went to school in Petaluma and graduated in 1978? think he knew my sister? and Scott was coached by my x-husband Mike Moyles in little league.. Small world I tell ya!
From left to right.. Kirk, John Becker, me and Scott..
We returned to camp and took it easy for most of the day.. when we got back G & S were already gone.. except not really cause they were dumping and came by to say good bye.. We would see them on Friday afternoon as we would be camping in their horse pasture, so to speak..
We walked the dogs around the little lake that they have at the Hereford Ranch Campground.. took some photos and just enjoyed the day.. just so peaceful..
On Thursday Ev and I decided to take a ride up to medicine lake to try some fishing up there.. As well to see if the road was open to the campground. Its about 75 miles from the Hereford Ranch Campground.. Well worth the ride!
We got there and there were a few fisher people there.. We limited in about an hour.. Mostly all plants, but heck that was great!
I am happy we drove up for the day.. There were quite few road hazards as we traveled up the hwy 49. A big tree was down and someone had taken and cut the middle out, we measured it to see if we could fit with the trailer.. and YIPEEEEEEE we would fit.. We decided after the Shelly Creek weekend we would go up to Medicine Lake for a few days/nights…
We missed Stan’s 81st Birthday in early May.. So I promised him I would make him a Lemon Meringue Pie..

Recipe for the Lemon Meringue Pie>>
Pictures of Medicine Lake on Thursday May 22nd..
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