Beautiful Clearlake in California

Beautiful Clearlake in California
Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
Update: March 6th, 2016.
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..

Friday, December 20, 2013

Maxwell Inn with Friends

Another fun fun time at the Maxwell Inn with great friends!
We have sort of made it the “place” to go at the holidays for “gift exchange” with each other. Rich, Judy, Larry, Lynn and us.. Rich & Judy’s car is the only car that can accommodate us all and the presents. However, I thinking we might have to scale down on the gifts (naaa) or just get smaller stuff!! It was a bit tight this year. However, we were also celebrating all of us ladies birthdays. Me 11/21, Judy 12/26 and Lynn 1/26.. As you can see by the photos we had a GREAT TIME!
The Inn is decorated so festively and love all the animal heads (taxidermy stuff). Some I guess wouldn’t like the heads, but we all like it just fine..
We started out with Martini’s, Rob Roy’s and Larry always hits the hard stuff early on, BUD LIGHT!! We had a couple of rounds of drinks, opened our gifts.. So fun! All of us laughing and really enjoying one another’s company. We would all go our separate ways at Christmas, so this works out so nice!

We always have a lovely dinner at the Maxwell Inn. The staff remembers us from year to year.. Imagine that? Smile we even get the same table..
Merry Christmas my Friends! We had another GREAT year!!

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