When we woke up Wednesday morning at Medicine Lake we had about an inch and half of snow, not to mention how darn cold it was!! burrrr.. Ev decided he was going to try his hand at fishing, but soon returned to camp with no fish and he was pretty cold. I stayed in the trailer concentrating on keeping warm with the heater going!! It wasn’t long and snow started melting enough so we could get packed up and head down the hill to Glorianne and Stan’s.
Ripley had a dental appointment at 8am in Adin. So staying at G & S’s was very convenient and we could enjoy our friends for the next couple of days..
We arrived mid afternoon at G & S.. They had us all lined out to where to park the trailer. This would our home till Monday.
Glorianne is so organized and a whiz at cooking up some great dishes at a moments notice it seems. She has so many “irons” in the fire that girl!. Upcoming antique fashion show in November. Using the fashions for the museum. She has more than 45 outfits to get models to wear. The interesting thing is that the fashions from this long ago era are all very tiny.. so it just got show how we are all filling out more these days.. Glorianne has some mending and ironing/steaming to do on all these clothes as well. She also has the harvest dinner planning as a community event and her hand in the Heritage Days at Burney Falls. This event Ev and I would attend. Over the course of the next couple of days we were pretty busy with a few things.
Thursday we were up bright and early so we could take Ripley over to the vet to have his teeth cleaned ($165). We come up here to have the teeth done, because it is so darned expensive at Clearlake at Dr. Sally’s ($500 plus)..
We dropped Ripley off and we took a ride over to Eagle lake.. Second largest natural lake in CA. It seemed like it took us forever to get to the lake! Finally we came upon the lake for which it was extremely low! Drought definitely had a part in this what looks like barren waste land with a puddle water..
Docks in laying on the lake bed and the lake has receded as much as a 1/2 mile!! Driving further to the south end of the lake the marina with breakwater was completely dry!! Really so sad.. There was a “low” water dock that the state put in for those who still would like to try their luck with those “Eagle lake trout”.. someone told me that average depth of Eagle Lake as about 40 feet..? so that would make this lake very low.. Hopefully this year they will get some good storms to fill the lake!!
We picked up Rip about 1pm and then went over to Oney’s for lunch in Adin.. Great little place to eat!!
When we arrived back at the ‘ranch”, Stan had his little run about boat out and wanted to take it down to the Fall River lake to test it out. I had thought the engine might be a problem, but? we were going to give it our best shot.
We got it in the water late afternoon that day. Motor wouldn’t start.. but had the trolling motor, so we motored around a bit.. The next day we planned to go out again, but not before Stan & Ev stopped at the marine shop to check out the problems with the motor.. turned out the old motor had a bad piston..
Good news the marine shop had a nice used one with a “push button” start..
While these guys were fixing up the boat, I went with Glorianne while she passed out flyers for the upcoming fashion show. Met up with the guys with some deli sandwiches and then out on the boat we went.. Boat ran nicely with the new used motor..
We planned a day trip to Big Lake fishing on Saturday (caught no fish).. We packed a lunch and off for the day.. Gorgeous Day! However as we sat out there on the lake, we could see a possible thunderstorm coming in. We packed it up and got back to the “ranch” mid-afternoon.. Ev & I took a walk down the street over to Pittville (about 6 blocks away)Big walk.. We say a couple of white face bulls in the creek below as we walked over the bridge, never dreaming the bulls had escaped their home. We did find out a few days later one of the local ranches were looking for them..

Sunday we were ready to go and on our way to McArthur Burner Falls for Heritage Days!
What fun day we had. Glorianne had put together a booth where we served “Dutch Oven” peach cobbler. Harry was our cook. This booth was to promote the Fort Crook Museum at Fall River Mills.
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