Our day started in kind of a rush today. We wanted to get to the Alturas Veterinary to see what the cost of cleaning Ripley’s teeth would be and also get hopefully get an appointment ASAP, as we are leaving on Wednesday morning or maybe we will have to leave later in the day on Wednesday? However, the veterinary could take Ripley on Tuesday morning!!
We also had some errands and some laundry, do internet business, etc.. When all the “business” was done we bought a sandwich at Quisno’s and off we went. We were actually headed for CAL PINES.. but we missed the turn, by 18 miles and ended up in a small little place “Likely”.. from which at this time we decided we would drive up to “Blue Lake” of Modoc County..
As we drove there was a lovely rushing creek and decided to try our luck with fishing and have our lunch.
No luck fishing but a nice lunch. We then continued our journey to Blue Lake.. We drove many miles from “Likely” to Blue Lake and as we drove you can see that there was a wild fire many years ago that left a scared and desolate mark on these mountains. Even as we came upon the lake the surrounding mountains bare the scares of the fire.. We did do some fishing and again no luck.. However, “The worst day fishing is better than the best day working”..
Again we took to driving back down the mountain in search for the road to CAL PINE.. Everett asked some kayaker’s if they knew of the road that would take us to CAL PINE and they gladly gave us the information we needed.. Apparently the road that we needed to take was back in Alturas.. we really missed it!
We did finally find the road and we drove up through CAL PINE up to Brown’s Pond where we would try our luck fishing once again.. It was quite a little drive but well worth the drive!
Between Ev and I we caught about 7 trout. Ripley is so fascinated with the fish that he would stand on a rock where the fish were on a stringer trying to get them and would fall into the lake.. he is sooo intense! Really quite funny to watch.. While all the time Kaylee is digging in the ground after some ground squirrel! Both are so entertaining..
We had quite a little drive to come back to camp and most was on cinder red dirt roads.
We took Rip into get his teeth cleaned at the vet there on Tuesday morning. We went fishing at Rainbow Pond up in Cal Pines. Ev caught a few and I caught “0” I was trying my hand with the fly pole.. obviously I was using the wrong fly or maybe I was just not lucky that day! However it was a great day! Weather is HOT! We did pack a lunch and had it before our 2pm pick time for Ripley.
Ripley of course was so happy to see us when we arrived at the vet.. We asked for an xray of his knee and an estimate of what it would cost.. for his “knee replacement” is $750..
So much better than the cost we can get at Clearlake at the “rip off vet”!
Tuesday evening we met a couple of fly fishing people that were out on the lake till nearly 10;30pm .. We asked them if they would like to come in and have a glass of wine and they accepted. Don & Elaine whom were from Ukiah. They were fly fishing in float tubes out on Ballard, catching and releasing lots of trout! They left about midnight..
We packed up early on Wednesday morning to head for Hat Creek, the final leg of our journey of this latest adventure..
On the road by 10am..
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