Beautiful Clearlake in California

Beautiful Clearlake in California
Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
Update: March 6th, 2016.
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Perspective of Christmas

For many years I have heard how people are so disappointed that Christmas has become so commercialized, they get upset because the Christmas decorations come out before Halloween!.. It is only commercialized I guess if that is the way you see Christmas. If you see it as having to run out and go shopping and spending and more spending.. To me that is a personal choice. Really Christmas is about giving and sharing.. Giving meaning giving of ones self and sharing your life with your family/friends and sometimes people that you don’t know so well, reaching out to someone that isn’t so fortunate as you are.  Inviting them to share Christmas dinner with you because they have no one or no where to spend Christmas. This is what Christmas is to me.. I am about giving and sharing, not about buying the most expensive or the most prestige's gift for someone I love and care about. I am not giving to get points or for recognition. I give because I love doing it. I love to cook foods/cookies/do crafty things/etc, freeze them and give them to friends and family at Christmas.. Dinner and dessert on me/us.. I know not everyone can cook or do crafts, its about sharing yourself, your family, your friends, joining together to feel the joy/warmth and camaraderie, feeling that everyone belongs.
This year at our house we had 18 people for Christmas dinner, and were they ever delicious!! <<laughing.. gtotcha! Honestly we did have 18 enjoying a festive dinner at our home. We had ages from  newborn to 90 years old! Quite a span, don’t you think?? We had our kids, we had our friends,and we had new friends join us in our celebration to share life and joy of Christmas bringing all these souls together all at one big gathering. All enjoying each others company, eating, drinking and more eating. If anyone went away hungry it was their own fault!! Friends and Family making new friends, giving to each other, money can’t buy these things.. We open our home every year, not just Christmas, but all throughout the year, we love sharing our life and our home with our family and friends. It is like Christmas throughout the year at our house.. At Christmas we have more decoration and lights..

We wish you a Merry Christmas everyday of the year!!!
“Live this day as if it were your last.
The past is over and gone.
The future is not guaranteed. “
Wayne Dyer

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