Ev and I invited friends up for dinner on Wednesday evening.. We had Scott & Carla and Ben & Julie up for Pork Chops and Scalloped potatoes, with veggies.. Had a nice visit with everyone.. Fun evening..
Beautiful Clearlake in California

Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Visit with Auntie Aleen
This was sort of an impromptu visit. Called her the day before and asked if she would like to go for lunch? And she said she would love to.
Ev and I left here mid morning on Wednesday.. Drove to Stockton and met Auntie at Applebeas for lunch.
She was sitting waiting for us.. She is so sweet.. Auntie Aleen is about 92ish? Birthday in December. My cousin, her daughter Reba and her husband Clay moved to Wisconsin about 18 months ago, due to work. Auntie is moving back to Wisconsin in Spring to live with Reba & Clay.
I haven’t been a very good great niece because the last time I saw Auntie was about 18 months ago. Life happens. I am going to try and go see her at least every other month.. Stockton is about 3 hour drive for us. So it is 6 hours round trip. However, she is totally worth it. I probably won’t get to see her once she moves east..
Auntie Aleen was married to my maternal grandmother’s (Eunice Williams Frazier) brother (Buckley Williams).
We had a lovely lunch then went to her cute condo and visited for a little bit..
It was a GREAT day..
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Lunch with Chuck & Judy..
Seems as though Ev and I are impromptu people.. We called Ev’s brother Chuck and wife Judy to join us for lunch in Vacaville the night before we wanted to meet them at “Mel’s” for lunch.. They said “ok”.. so we are on..
We were down there dropping the trailer off at Camping World for some “adjustments”.. uumm.. another wasted trip.. not a total waste.. We got to meet up with Chuck and Judy..
Always fun to have lunch and catch up..
Monday, October 12, 2015
Fun with Colin and family/friends!
A few weeks ago Lindsy asked me if I could come take care of Colin while her and Chris went to pick up their trailer that had been up at Lake Davis for the summer.
I arrived on Thursday and planned a dinner with Phil & Toni at Lindsy’s house. I made Fried Chicken with mashed taters etc..we had a nice evening.. Phil got creamed on the wii with Colin in bowling.. guess Phil needs to practice some..
Friday afternoon Colin and I went for a short visit to the Brooks place..
Friday night Colin had baseball practice and I had planned a get together with friends. Kim, Sharon, Traci, Jeff & Cesar..
Had a really nice evening.. fun times were had by all..
Colin had a game on Saturday at 3pm.. they don’t keep score, but I am sure Colin’s team won..
Lindsy & Chris got home late in the day.. I made a pot roast for dinner and enjoyed Chris & Lindsy’s company for the evening..
Monday, October 5, 2015
Collin’s Lake with Phil & Toni..
Arrived at Colin’s Lake late Saturday afternoon.. Can never seem to get going? Phil & Toni had invited us to come over to Colin’s Lake with them camping.. However, Ev stayed home with the dogs and I just went over by myself.. I slept on the couch bed in the motor home Nice of them to have me.. And feed me fro 2 nights! I didn’t take many photos, not sure why?
Met some new people Larry & Trudy from Nevada, long time friends of Phil & Toni.
On Saturday night we had a wonderful “light show” with the lightening 7 thunder.. Loved it.. and some nice rain..
Phil cooked up some wonderful skirt steaks.. never had them before and they were delicious!
Toni made me a nice breakfast for fishing.. I am now calling it
the “Brooks B & B” on wheels!!
I only fished on Sunday morning with Phil for a few hours.. nothing.. seems like I am getting skunked a lot this year!! Next year gotta be better!!!! The lake is so low.. it too is a reservoir.. OMG so low.. maybe about 40-50 feet down.. scary!