Had my doctors appt with Dr Consiglieri yesterday the 19th of February. Also our 10th wedding anniversary.
Short visit with the doctor. Good News the surgery was successful.. no pain or discomfort from incision area and the neck feels great.
However, the bad news is that I have
C-5 Palsy in my left arm. I have use of wrist and fingers.. however limited motions with fingers and wrist,, can type..
As for motor type movements lifting the arm, reaching nothing..There is considerable pain along with this.. NOT much in known about this type of palsy… If you find anything about it would like it if you could forward it to me.
C-5 Palsy >> http://www.bjj.boneandjoint.org.uk/content/96-B/7/950 <<this is about as much info that is out there..
I will start PT next week..
I am still pretty upset knowing that my arm is paralyzed! And pain.. Imagine how difficult my world is right now.. Oh yes and I am feeling sorry for myself right now.. Everything is still so fresh..
Give me sometime and I am sure things will improve (positive you see ).. I will try and keep up dates and progress..
Our road trip that we were going to do is now on “hold”, but if things improve?? Keep you fingers crossed and lots of prayers.. I will do the work..
Beautiful Clearlake in California

Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..
Friday, February 20, 2015
Two Weeks post op..
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Nightmare at Lake County Hospitals!
I found out I have degenerative disk disease.. and have NOT ever had any problems..However, I probably should have figured it out as 2 of my brothers and my youngest daughter have had the same/similar surgery.
This is what happened:
Fluke got that horrible cold going around that comes with a awful cough.. I coughed so hard blew out 3 ribs and it was so painful.. so went to Chiropractor and he did adjustments to back and neck.. put ribs back..felt great for about one hour and then holly hell broke loose! Excruciating pain down the left side of my neck, shoulder and arm.. For all I knew I was having a heart attack! Went to Clearlake (St Helena of Clearlake) hospital.. told me it was going to be a 4 hour wait!!! Left there and headed to Lakeport Sutter.. I had to wait 2 hours pacing the halls with excruciating pain.. finally saw triage,, they panicked and put me on an EKG.. if I was having a heart attack I would have been dead by this time! Another hour goes by and “Dr. Isis” (should have guessed this one!!) gives a shot of 5mg valium.. and 1000mg of Motrin.. This wouldn’t kill the pain in your broken toe! In the meantime my blood pressure was sky high! High number was well over 240!!! Due to the pain level.. next time she came in she ASKED ME WHAT I THOUGHT WOULD TAKE CARE OF THE PAIN!!!!!!!!?????????? OMG horrible.. I said “morphine”? 2 more hours go by and I got a 4mg of morphine.. again not enough to do anything, least of all this excruciating pain.. about 10 minutes later she comes in and she is releasing me cause there is nothing they can do for me! My blood pressure is off the charts and I am in horrible pain! And now the hospitals can not give you meds to take home!! So I went home in so much pain and was unable to take a pain pill till the next day at 11am when Ev got them at the pharmacy..I could have stroked out during the night! I had no pain meds or blood pressure meds to bring down blood pressure!
Then go to my primary doc on Tuesday and what does he do?? Another neck adjustment!!!!!!!!! REALLY?? OMG.. he should have ordered and MRI or something to figure something out besides adjusting me again! So on Thursday I notice my left arm isn’t working very well and pretty much not at all.. well now I am scared to death I am having a stroke on top of whatever else is going on.. I call Lindsy she says MOM GET TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM NOW! An come to Santa Rosa ER at Memorial..They were waiting for me when I got there… took me in and treated me with respect and I felt like a Queen.. no problem gave me some great pain meds, did an ekg and had me scheduled for MRI.. Disks severely ruptured in my neck were 3&4 and 5&6.. no wonder I was in so much pain.. still not sure why my arm isn't working.. but first things first..It was a week later before I finally got into the neurosurgeon. However the morning I came in I think if he could have he would have done my surgery then!! As it was I went in the next morning at 930am.. Emergency surgery..I couldn’t believe it.. I can’t believe how much had to suffer before getting the care I should have gotten from the start.. When I woke up from the surgery, pain was pretty well gone, and so was my left arm.. have feeling in it all the way down, can’t lift it?? I do have the use of my fingers and hand, but if you can move your arm your hand isn’t much use either.. however I do have my wrist propped up on the ledge by the keyboard so I can type..
I do believe yesterday(Feb 9th) being it was the 3rd after surgery was my worse day.. horrible day really.. Today, feeling much better, in comparison.. hopefully now on the road to recovery.. neck seems to be doing pretty good.. pain is minimal..
I am in the process of writing a letter to both the hospitals up here and the insurance commissioner of CA and anyone else that I can think of.. providing them with the information on HOW I WAS TREATED in our local hospitals..praying I get the use of my arm back soon..
Today is almost a week since surgery.. Left arm is improving, but very slowly, not much more movement, but there is at least hope!
I am still taking pain pills about every 4 to 5 hours for pain.. some muscle relaxers and a nerve pill (??) anyway, life is NOT back to normal by any means!
Check out my doctor and his wife whom is also a neurosurgeon!
http://www.annadelmedicalgroup.com/Our-Services/Neurosurgery.aspx Love these people!! There was another Doctor “Guy” can’t find him the directory, cant remember his last name (it was one of these really long ones). Guy was so nice..he came in everyday to see me and just lots of beautiful smiles and encouragement!! Great “Guy”!!
Found his name!! >> Guy Delorefice, M.D.
Guy Delorefice, M.D. <<link to click..
Me post op on Sunday coming home..
Social Media “Facebook” is a great way to keep family & friends up to date on issues you maybe having!
Thank you all my FB peeps.. You are all so amazing..