Beautiful Clearlake in California

Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Happy 6oth Birthday to Linda
Truly we are blessed to have such wonderful friends! We have such a wide array of all kinds of people from all different walks of life. Just amazing people all of them!
Our special and amazing friends Jim & Shirley treated us to a wonderful and fun lunch at Happy Garden!
Jim & Shirley came by about noon thirty () on Friday.. We had some wine and a couple of cocktails here before heading down to the Happy Garden here in Clearlake Oaks.
We enjoyed a few drinks and saw and meet some fun people at the bar.. So fun! Just a GREAT day all around!
I received a beautiful gift of a Phalaenopsis Orchid and some truly unique Martini glasses! Fun fun Fun!!
Friday, November 21, 2014
Happy Birthday to me.. :) with friends..
Had a night out on the town with friends on Thursday night.. Gayle & Rob Treated us to dinner at the Running Creek Casino and invited some pretty special friends too!! Pam & Doc, Lee & Laura, Charles & Bobby..
Lynn & Larry couldn’t make it, however they got me a special wine glass with the number “60”..
Pam & Doc gave me an afghan Pam made for me..
Gayle & Rob bought our dinner at the casino and gave me a little Turkey Pie Vent (how to use pie vent), adorable and very unique! Charles & Bobby gave a beautiful Phalaenopsis Orchid and sang Happy Birthday to me on his knee (Marilyn Monroe version)..Lee & Laura gave me a quite unique gift as well.. a bobber ice chest!!
Thank you all for making my 60th Birthday special!! Love you all!
Friday, November 14, 2014
Fun Day with Jim & Shirley
Lunch at Rutherfords in St Helena.
After lunch we went through a couple of thrift stores.. Found a cute little shop on the main drag of Calistoga, called “Chicken Scratch”, owned by Jennifer McGee more like a boutique than a thrift store.. ..Check out boutique >> .. Ended up at Barolos in Calistoga for Happy Hour..
One final stop at the Boars Breath in Middletown and then part ways to go home.. Great day!
San Fran with Mike & Mary Ann
We planned to go to SF back in Sept.. We stayed at the Donatello near Union Square..
We met on Tuesday the 11th at the Hotel. We tried of course to check in, however we were to early.. So all 4 of us walked over to the DSW shoe store and did some shopping.. Ev was the only one that bought anything.. Bought himself some hiking boots..
Soon the room was ready.. we had our luggage brought up to the room.. Mike & Mary Ann’s wasn’t quite ready.. So we had some snacks in the room while watching some CD’s M & M had brought with them from the recent trip to Europe and their granddaughters wedding (Home movies).
After a couple of hours we decided to do some walking as we had been sitting for most of the day,..
We walked up through Chinatown.. As we were walking the snacks weren’t quite enough to keep us going. Mike saw a Chinese restaurant with a lots of Chinese people in it, so he said this was probably good food.. So we went in.. It was about 8pm or so.. We had some soup and some other dishes.. enough to hold us over till breakfast the next day.. After our soup dinner we still had about an hour’s walk back to the hotel..
Wednesday we had breakfast at the hotel. We went through the “time share” spiel for about 45 minutes (free parking ).. Then meet M & M and off we went walking again..We walked all over the place and then ended up at Fisherman’s wharf..
We walked around the wharf too some photos and then headed back toward Chinatown so we could go and have some “dim sum” at the City View Chinese Restaurant.. Along walk!! We were a bit late so we were hoping we would have a good choice of food..
We sat down and they immediately started bring around the different choices..
It was late in the afternoon when we got back to the hotel.. About 7 miles of walking.. It was a good day.. We all rested for awhile.. Then later that evening Mary Ann and I went over to Macy’s and did a bit of shopping..
Thursday we were up early and packed and ready for the day..
M& M on their way to see daughter’s family in the valley and us on our way to meet up with Jim & Shirley for lunch at Rutherfords at St Helena..
Had a GREAT time with GREAT Friends!! Thanks M & M for another wonderful adventure!!!
Monday, November 10, 2014
Philosophical Day 11/9/2014
Our usual meeting for the Philosophical Society is the 2nd Sunday of the month at the Riviera…Gorgeous Day!
We had a lovely group and lots of fun this time! We always have fun! However it was nice that “we” had the big room to ourselves for most of our meeting.. Fun fun..
After the meeting was over we were invited over to Milt & Priscilla’s for the “Inspirational Wine Walk”..
Rudy, Faith, Jim, Shirley, Wendell, Terrie and us.. What a wonderful afternoon! We took the nice walk we enjoyed the lovely day on the deck with great friends!
Sunset was incredible today!!
Higher Degree Dinner at the Moose 11/9/2014
- This dinner was in the planning stages for several months. This dinner was to include members that held a “high degree” (legion, fellowship, pilgrim, academy of friendship, college, star). Also open to all members who wanted to eat dinner. Unfortunately NOT MANY PEOPLE READ THE FLYER!! Therefore, the turnout was very low. Having planned the dinner for 50 people plus, I was pretty disappointed. I was the cook. And I had a whole crew of people helping with the dinner whom were also disappointed. Not to mention the lodge didn’t make money and that is what these functions are all about! A whole day of shopping, usually a trip to Santa Rosa, CA to Cash & Carry. Then locally more shopping for things that need to be same day fresh, then the day of cooking, usually takes all day at least 8 to 9 hours of work. So you see these dinners are something we pull out of thin air!!
For those who did come to support the event, they enjoyed a delicious Pork Pot Roast dinner (homemade). We had a great salad bar and bread sticks along with Vanilla Ice Cream with homemade Peanut Butter Cookies.. uumm..
We had visitors from West Sac lodge as well as Placerville.. I was so sorry that not even one of the lodges in our district that DIDN’T MAKE IT EITHER!
The Higher Degree dinner encompasses lodges from about Fresno to the Oregon Border.. Pretty sad huh? yup..
Thank you to those of you that made it up to visit us here at - Clearlake Oaks Lodge.. Best food ever huh? There wasn’t one person in this group (about 25) that didn’t come up to me and say what a great meal that was!
- Thank you to all of you that came to support the event and Thank you to all that were there to help!
Thursday, November 6, 2014
TBT with Gloria Stuart lifetime Achievement Award aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach
Ev was Gloria’s actual escort..
September 22, 2002
More photos from the Internet>>
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Re-United after 50 years! Ev & Rick
After 50 years of no contact, these men picked up right where they left off! It was as no time had passed!
For the past 15 years Everett has talked of his friend he had in elementary/early high school years and then after that no contact.. until just a few months ago when Ev found Rick Van Meter his long time ago buddy on Facebook!! OMG! What a thrill it was for Ev to finally find Rick!!! 50 years in the making!!
About 2 months ago, I took it upon myself (Linda) to get these guys together!! So “pm’ed” (private messaged) Rick on fb.. He responded in a couple of days that he and his wife Marianne would love to come up about the 1st of Nov weekend.. We just knew it was going to be terrific!!
Rick & Marianne arrived here on Halloween Day about 12:30ish..
OMG good it was such a heart warming, tears flowing, hugging and the great memories running through their minds encounter!..
I am pretty sure these two guys had no idea that Marianne and I were standing there, teary eyed too.. Its difficult for me to put into words the happiness that was in each of their faces! I don’t even think a photo could have captured that moment! That same moment was as though those 50 years were only seconds that had passed! Truly the most incredible moments in my life as I watched these two very old great friends reunited!! I guess you just had to have been here!
Then: March 27, 1964

Oh they talked and talked and reminisced for hours and hours!! They shared stories of days gone by as if they were memories just made yesterday!
I planned dinners here at home so they wouldn’t distracted so the two “boys” could just share memories that hadn’t been able to share for so many years! And now? they are making new memories!!
On Friday night (Halloween) we planned a nice sit down dinner with Rick & Marianne and Jim & Shirley (our very dear friends).. What a fantastic time everyone had! New friends, new memories and great times!
Everyone was up late and having fun with “new” friends!
On Saturday Rick, Marianne and Everett & I shared a nice breakfast before setting out for the day of wine tasting!
We didn’t leave home till late morning and we headed over to Middletown to Guenoc/Langtry Winery over by Jim & Shirley's..
PIcked up Jim & Shirley and we were soon on our way to our first glass of wine of the day.. We had a lovely time at the winery.. Soon to be on our way to Jim & Shirley’s as they had offered us a tour of the barn and a cocktail..
After our tour of the “Barn”.. we are on our way to the next winery.. Six Sigma, a small winery in Lower Lake was our next stop.. Great little place there.. We met the owner and chatted it up with Lauren and Jackie.. Lovely day on the “garden” at the winery.. Good time was had by all..
We tried to fit Brassfields into our tour, but it was too late by the time we pulled up to the gate.. It was closed,.. not a total lose, we came home and I started dinner.. Thankfully had most everything ready to go in the oven and on the “Q”..
We were all pretty tired.. Gee wonder why?
It was fun.. Sunday morning was our last few hours with Ev’s “old Friend” and our new “friends”.. We went up to the Moose for a nice breakfast where we were able to share our new friends with friends at the Moose..
Great time was had by all!!
Thanks to Rick & Marianne for being so adventuresome!! See you again soon!! xoxo