It has been another month on the move! We always try and plan a final trip of the season up at Medicine Lake.

This year was no different. Last year we were up there in mid-Oct and we got snow. So this year we planned an earlier trip. We headed out on the last day of summer 9/21.. We arrived late on Sunday afternoon at the Medicine Lake Campground. We set up.. The weather was cool but nice.

We had a nice Monday and were expecting Mike & Mary Ann on Tuesday. We fished and got our limit on Monday.. Enjoyed the day..
Tuesday we had horrible winds.. This was the day Mike & Mary Ann were to arrive. We had no cell service and we had seriously considered calling them to tell him to stay home. But there was no way.. They arrived about 4ish, got them set up and had a nice dinner in the trailer.. We would spend all meals in the trailer for the rest of the week!
The weather only got worse as the week wore on. The winds were all day Tuesday & Wednesday. Wednesday evening we had a down pour of rain that flooded a lot of the campground. Washed mud over the roads, dug deep crevasses into the earth where the water was rushing down hill.
Wednesday even though it was windy we took a drive up to the top of Mount Hoffman so M&M could see the beautiful view of the valley’s below! When we got up there the wind was even worse, but we weathered ok.. 

After a short rest back at camp we decided to show M&M, Glass Mountain.. We took a nice little drive, about 10 miles…

That Thursday morning early all of were up early and headed down to Adin so Ripley could get his teeth cleaned at the Vet. It was a 2 hour drive to get there. The roads were so dark and wet we had to drive slowly down the hill to the hwy.. Thursday was a decent day..
We dropped Ripley off and went down to Burney to fill with fuel.. Called Glorianne & Stan and they would meet us at the Ft Crook Museum at Fall River about 10:30.. We wanted to show M&M the museum.. They love it too..

After our tour of the museum we all wen to the new Mexican Restaurant for lunch.. Great time with our fun friends! Our visit with G&S was short, but enriching..

Soon we were on the road again back to Adin to pick up Ripley..
We were about 1/2 drive from Fall River Mills to Adin..
Ripley was done and soooo ready to get out of there! Poor little guy.. He had some “tumors” removed, one of them he had some stitches.. But didn’t seem to bother him.. he’s a trooper..

In spite of Ripley’s Ouchy, it didn’t get him down. He still took walks with us every morning.. When we went fishing, so did he.. The weather wasn’t all bad, but it was dam cold and either windy or raining.. DANG!
Mike loves to cook.. So it was nice to have our own personal “chef” while camping..
He cooked as well as furnished the food!! Doesn’t get any better than that! Thanks Mike & Mary Ann.. In spite of the lousy weather, it was an adventure and we have amazing memories!!
M&M had their tent trailer.. It was amazing.. It endured hurricane winds and then torrential rains, didn’t leak and stayed in one place.. however the cold was tough for them to deal with.. I felt bad and told them a number of times they were both welcome in the trailer with us!! But they toughed it out.. Bless them both.. Love you guys!
Friday we took our little walk.. Then had breakfast (our personal chef
) cooked.. We then decided we needed to do some fishing.. In the afternoons and evening we played a lot of cards..
Over all it was pretty good..
On Saturday morning M&M packed up.. don’t blame them, it was freezing!! However that is also the day they planned on leaving…. I was happy that they would be sleeping in a nice warm bed on Saturday night..
After they left Ev and I did some fishing over at Bullseye.. Ev caught a few and I got skunked.. I wasn’t too interested in fishing that day.. I was so tired of being cold and wet..

Not fun camping in the bad weather.. Not complaining mind you.. we need the rain.. Just don’t like camping in it.. I had no idea there was yet another storm coming our way on Saturday afternoon.. Started raining about 4pm and didn’t stop till the wee hours of Sunday morning..
Ok.. so now we decided we needed to go home.. 5 of the 7 days we were there, was unbelievable weather for this time of the year!
By the time we packed up it was nearly noon.. We got a late start. Trying to pack up camping stuff that is wet? ICK! We should have never took the kayaks off the roof of the truck.. We didn’t use them!
We stopped at the Rolling Hills Casino and stayed all night.. Heck of a good price $25 for full hookups!! And it was nice to break up the trip.. We had dinner out that night.. did a little gambling.. but mostly rested.. We were home on Monday, Sept 29th by Noon..
This week the weather is going to be in the mid-90’s here at home!
Mt Shasta had no snow on it when we came up on the 21st, but by time we left there was plenty!
As for Lake Shasta, not nearly enough rain to make any difference. I hope this early winter weather is a tell=tale sign we will have a nice wet winter.. wishful thinking? maybe, but will keep doing those rain dances, just in case!! 
Mt. Shasta 9/25/14 (courtesy of Greta Colman)