I won some tickets on the radio to this cute little country band show called “Twang Ditty” at the Soper Reese Theatre in Lakeport.
We asked Rob & Gayle if they wanted to join us..? So they came by the house before hand had a cocktail and then we went over to TJ’s Restaurant in Lakeport, CA. Had a nice dinner..
We had a nice little visit from Charles.. We celebrated his birthday with some drinks and dinner.. He only stayed with us a short time and then went oh his way..
After dinner we walked over to the theatre to enjoy the show.
Rob & Gayle danced (pictures didn’t come out, too dark).. We stayed for most of the show, then decided to go over to the Driftwood Cocktail lounge in Lucerne where Dave & Terry were entertaining with their Grand Illusions Karaoke Show.. We had some fun there and soon we were on our way home..
A good evening had by all!!
Beautiful Clearlake in California

Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..
Friday, September 19, 2014
Night on the town w/Rob & Gayle 9/19/14
Monday, September 15, 2014
Abalone Weekend at Manchester 9/2014
Mike & Mary Ann invited us to join them in Manchester back in June for this past weekend’s abalone feed. Douglas Dive Club is from the southern part of CA. These guys travel a long ways to come to these events.The151 Dive Club from the bay area (the guys from the 151 are all pretty much retired now).
We had a musician amongst us this time. His name was Sean and he played the ‘fiddle’.. He did quite a bit of Irish music.. It was fun to have the music around the campfire at night.
The day we went to the beach we met a woman from Ireland, whom was swimming in the surf!! Burrr a bit cold, but not for her..
It’s a fun weekend! It’s mostly all about eating. As you will see in the photos.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Honors in Reno Moose Conference
For those of you that know me, you know that I am involved with the Moose and have been for many years. I originally joined in 1978. I kept my due up for about 5 or so years, but then didn’t keep them up.. However then again in 1991 I joined again and have been a member ever since! that is about 23 years now..
In the recent years I have been more involved in the politics of the Moose. I have been an officer in some respect. In 2006 I was Senior Regent. Very dedicated year, but I wasn’t well supported. I did however work very hard. The “recorder” (my best advocate) died early on, sad. So I was pretty much on my own. Our lodge (men) that year got an award of being a 5 ***** Star Lodge (Men’s awards).. However, due to my ignorance of the procedures of the Women of the Moose as well as the implement of computers (moose international struggling), I had a really tough year and didn’t receive my personal honors! I worked really hard..Our Women of the Moose did really well with most everything, except for some paper work that didn’t get recorded.. Soooo and life goes on..
A couple of years ago Pam Rowland/Tina Bouse, Laura Weldy, came into the Moose and things were turning around from a long time struggling Women of the Moose. Again I was getting more involved, was an officer once again.. Chaplin I think.. then Senior Regent once again. This time I had a wonderful team of women behind me. There was Pam, Tina, Laura, and more, and a great team of chairman!!
This time, our team made the “award of achievement”, all our ducks were in a row!! YIPEEEEEEEEEE This is a great honor for our Women of the Moose (WOTM)! We had to exceed our membership by at least one from the previous year, have a dollar more in our money accounts than the previous year, and have all our paper work in order.. And by God, we did it!! And now as Senior Regent I was eligible for my personal honors! First “Green Cap”, that is what I received this past weekend in Reno, next I will receive my “College of Regents” in St. Louis in June of 2016. The only requirements I need to do for that is bring in 2 new members, and hold a dinner.. Got it covered! And if wasn’t for all the support I had with the team of officers and my chairman, it would have never been possible!! Thanks to all of you that helped me make my personal honors! And a special Thanks to Hildagard Boardly for being my capping officers.
Pam and I went up to Reno on the 3rd and stayed at the Atlantis. Not only was it Moose Conference we are also there to have fun.. When we have these Moose Conferences or Conventions, there are lots of parties going on as well! Called Hospitality Rooms.. you will see in some of the photos “pics’ of room numbers.. “
It was a fun weekend!!
Monday, September 1, 2014
Rodman Slough at Clear Lake 9/1/2014
Ev and I have talked several time about going on the lake at Rodman Slough to see the nesting Grebes. They are amazing!
Please read this incredible article about our “Dancing Grebes”.
Link>> http://www.redbudaudubon.org/grebeInfoQandA4webcam.pdf
We went out today (Monday) for a few hours and took some shots of the Grebes, Pelicans, Blue Herons, White Egrets along with a variety of other birds..