Beautiful Clearlake in California

Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Fun at Ernie & Shirleys!!
Impromptu party at Vasheresse’s!! Lots of fun people to hang with! As the night progresses, and we all are having more fun! and more fun! Fun times had by all!!
Thank you guys for always having the BEST parties! Don’t ever stop!! Enjoy the pics!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Quad Ride with Doc/Pam; 8/27
While Pam and I was in Placerville earlier this weekend, we set up this quad ride with the guys for today.. We started out about 10pm.. We had packed a lunch and ice coolers strapped to the back of the 4 wheelers. We had a great ride! We headed back to Indian Valley Res.. the water level is very low.. from the boat launch to the edge of the lake is about 2.3 miles.. Pretty low..
It’s about 72 miles round trip!! By the time we reached the lake temps outside were screaming HOT, about 110 I would believe. We had plenty of water so we were good. It was a fun day!!
Pretty tired out tonight.. Catching up on my blog..
Monday, August 25, 2014
Placerville with Pam for Moose meeting
When Pam and I were in West Sacramento a couple of weeks ago for Officers Training, we found out about a dinner for individuals that held “honors” from the Moose that there was going to be a dinner held in Placerville for members of the “Higher Degree”. So we decided to attend.
We made reservations at a local bed & breakfast in Camino where the Placerville Moose is located. The Camino Hotel & Bed/Breakfast..cute little place.. and a great breakfast.
We had a nice dinner and met some nice people and reconnected with others..
Earlier the day we arrived, we decided to do some shopping in the cute shops in Placerville. Founds some great treasures.. and some xmas presents too..
Friday, August 22, 2014
Lee & Laura Dinner at the Moose 8/22
We had a great time at Lee & Laura’s dinner at the Moose. They had a great turn out! And the food was delicious! BBQ chicken dinner.. Turned out Great..
The entertainment was the Angelite and the Harmony Boys.. They did a cute skit entertaining us with music and dancing from the 50s!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Day on the Lake 8/20
This is our impromptu day on the lake.. We decided to take the boat out on the lake and just have a day.. We took a ride over to “The Spot” in Clearlake.. Had a lovely lunch and a very relaxing day. The lake is in great shape in spite of the drought we are experiencing.. Great fun..
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Blue Lakes with Phil/Toni 8/15
Knew Phil & Toni were going to be at Blue Lakes this week for vacationing. They invited Ev and I over for a day of fun.. We packed up a lunch and brought some stuff for dinner too.. Had a wonderful day kayaking, visiting and having fun with Barbie and friends..
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Celebrating Ev’s Birthday & Jim Walsh
Ev’s actual birthday was August 6th.. We celebrated with friends at Running Creek Casino.
Charles, Pam & Doc, Gayle & Rob.. Nice people! Pretty much a impromptu party.. Everyone was game.. Dinner was outstanding.. We all either had Prime Rib or a Delmonico Steak at the low price of $8.99, not bad at all..
Before we left on our last adventure we planned on having a dinner here at the house to celebrate Ev’s and Jim’s Birthday. Jim’s birthday was July 26th..
We had a nice group for dinner last night.. Milton, Jim & Shirley, Conn & Marcia and our favorite “son”, Charles..
Most everyone arrived about 430ish.. Charles was extremely late.. Gave some excuse like he had to do business!! Aww huh! Should have come up with a better one that!! LOL just kidding Charles.. Love ya dar’lin..
We had way too much food.. Had BBQ pork ribs, trout, rosemary potatoes, salad, cut up fruit and garlic bread!! and then rum cake (Shirley made) for dessert with vanilla Ice cream.. Yep pretty much had to roll everyone out of here last night..
We had a fun fun time!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Medicine Lake Lost Weekend
This morning we noticed how much more smoke there was the day before. The smoke was infused through the trees and the hazed encompassed the camp ground and there was a haze over the whole lake! Pretty depressing. And us really not knowing how bad all the fires were all around us.
We went through our day as we would normally. We went fishing on Medicine, no luck so we headed over to Bullseye lake about noon or so… when we got back to camp there was this note from some very welcome guests!! Glorianne and Stan arrived at our camp about noon. After they ate their lunch, they headed over to little Medicine and caught a couple of really nice brookies..
We got back to camp saw the note and headed up to little Medicine when we meet them on the road. We turned around and went back to camp so we could catch up and visit. G & S didn’t come with trailer in tow. They only came for the day and a visit. It was just nice to sit and visit with them both.. Lots going on where they lived and with the fire, they weren’t sure where they may be needed.
We did do ok with fishing today.. about 8 trout, rainbow we caught at Bullseye.. cleaned and froze them.
We didn’t do kayak ride this evening.. we just hung out at camp and some nice ribs..
On Saturday another smoke filled day.. No sun, looks overcast.. a bit depressing..not knowing how bad the fires were getting. We did go out an do some fishing again today.. We did some beach time and kayaking with the dogs today too.. Took some terrific photos at sunset.. Incredible images across the skies.. Check out the photos, they have some really strange outlines of light..
Sunday we made a pretty lazy day of the day.. We even watched a movie.. I think we were just tired.. maybe cause of the gray skies it was a bit depressing, not very motivating at any rate.. We did fish some, caught 2 limits.. Not such a bad day.. Made hamburgers for dinner.. and it was an early evening..
We planned on stopping in and staying a night with friends in McArthur, however once we were driving down the hill we found that we had several messages from Glorianne, not to come their way as the fires were ravaging everywhere! Roads were closed, people were loosing their homes, the landscaped was being raped of the lushes pines.. burnt to nothing.. Roads that we would usually go home by were now closed, Towns were being evacuated, smoke filled the air. We watched caravans of fire trucks and fire fighters pass us.. heading toward the fire areas.. So sad.. We detoured back up to Shasta City and came down I-5 to come home. Our travel day was lots cooler than it had been in the valley for weeks! A good day to travel.. A great vacation adventure!
It’s great to be home!!