For months now we have planned on brother Rick to come and spend time with us here at Clearlake. He loves to fish, play golf, visit friends, etc.. and eat really good while he is here! I guess the key word would be “PLAY”. Seems he doesn’t take time at home to play, so he comes here!! 
I talked to Rick on Thursday evening to see what time he would leave on Friday morning early. He told me he would be leaving about the time Lynn (his wife) goes off to work. When I got up in the morning (Friday), I texted him to see how far he’d gotten? He said he was as far as Salem.. So I did my calculations of what time he would probably arrive that afternoon. Figuring about around 5ish or so.. Probably about the time Cheryl & Dee (from Moose International) would arrive..
I went about getting this together for the day.. It wasn’t even a half hour after I had texted Rick and he walked in the door!! OMG he drove all night! Sneaky little devil!! He was wired to the hilt! Way too much coffee!! Both Ev and I were thrilled! The dogs loved it he was here!! Wasn't long and we were all sitting down to breakfast.. Talking about this and that, conversation just buzzing! Before Rick was to go and take a nap? Oh well is there anything I can do? (he is a general contractor). Of course there was something he could do for us..
He went out and fixed the pipe to where it had froze from the bad freeze we had back in early December. It was sprinkler pipe, so it wasn’t one we used frequently.. aww so now that one project is finished.. He soon went to sit in the chair and rest..
I started cooking. I made up a huge pot of clam chowder and made some croutons ahead because I was also having Easter dinner, so needed them for the dressing I would be making.. It was a very busy day.. Soon we heard from Scott & Carla. I invited them up for some cocktails and thought it would be nice if they could meet brother Rick. We had a nice afternoon with some snacks and cocktails.. I sent them home with a container of Clam Chowder.. Soon Cheryl and Dee (from Moose International) came in. Scott & Carla were just leaving..
We got to sit down with Cheryl & Dee for a short visit. Everyone was tired, so we all headed to bed.
Next day I knew I was going to be plenty busy cooking.. I was up early on Saturday as were Cheryl & Dee. They had an early day as they had the class at the moose for Tina..
I soon got breakfast going. I needed to get the fixings for tacos going, also some chicken fajitas. I also prepared the turkey dressing, sweet potatoes ready for Sunday’s Easter dinner. Thankfully I had got the table all set earlier in the week for our Easter dinner.
When Cheryl & Dee returned from the Moose we took them out to Brassfields for a bit of wine tasting.. I also invited Scott & Carla back up for Tacos.. It was nice to have everyone! However I could tell it was wearing on me, I was running down and could feel it. But figured I would get plenty of rest and be ready for Sunday morning at the Moose.
We partied into early evening, had our tacos and enjoyed one another’s company out of the deck. Not many days we can enjoy time on the deck, This time of the year is great..A little warm and cool evenings.. Nice..
Easter morning Cheryl & Dee were on their way back home early, about 730am. they arrived safely at home later that day. Cheryl called to let us know they arrived home safely!! 
Ev and I were ready to go to the Moose by about 815am.. Ev had his Easter Bunny costume and I had everything for photo taking.. Camera, lap top and printer.. 
Moose was already buzzing when we arrived.. Pam & Doc, Tommy bartending, Eric in the kitchen, Lorraine getting the eggs organized, etc.. Now we just needed the crowd.. We had some that trickled in.. Not a big crowd, but it was a start.. We had a few for breakfast and over all about 50 to 60 kids.. Next year will be much better!!
Ev was cute.. he went down on the hwy to try and lure people in by waving while he was in the bunny costume. He had the kids as well as adults posing with him for photos. I was busy taking photos and printing them out. I had a helper Destiny, Tommy’s granddaughter.. It was a very nice morning actually.. Soon it was noon and time to pack up and get home so I could get the rest of the dinner cooking.
Now and am pretty close to being exhausted.. Thankfully had a couple of hours to rest before I needed to really get up and work again.. I was so looking forward to this afternoon and wanted to enjoy it without being so tired.. I did rest for a couple of hours, just enough to rejuvenate me to get the rest of what I needed to do done.. Ev peeled the potatoes, I had most everything else ready to go into the oven.. Had started the turkey about 1230pm.. it was cooking nicely..
About 330 people started arriving and I was ready!! First Charles.. then Bea & Pete and soon Jim & Shirley were here! And so the evening was in full swing! It is wonderful to have family and such good friends to surround you. The only thing missing was I would have loved to have had Lindsy, Chris and Colin.. but they had plans already and weren’t able to make it.
What a wonderful dinner! We topped it off with some Strawberry short cake and some more delicious wine.. Happy Easter!