Rick called me on Thursday evening to let us know the boat was getting the finishing touches before they were to tow back down here to CA to us from WA.. Of course WA is getting blasted with a huge storm and lots of rain starting on Friday noon when they are leaving.
Rick & Lynn on the road for about 2 hours and I get a text from Rick that the wheel fell off the boat trailer! I text back and said oh yeah right.. well it was no joke!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now it is a nightmare and it is pour down rain! The called a tow truck, tow truck was an hour late getting there (AAA). Idiot tow driver didn’t know what he was doing and then caused more damage! Rick & Lynn wanted to get it to Les Swabs before they closed to get parts etc.. They made it in time with 15 minutes to spare.. After some ingenuity on my Rick’s part and a nice kid at the Les Swabs, Rick got the tire back on and they were back on the road by 7pm.. They drove all night and thankfully no more problems!! They arrived here about 1130 Saturday morning.. They were extremely tired when they arrived. Poor things! But they were here and that was fabulous! Got the boat unhooked from the truck, also go the Organ someone had given Rick on a job .. Rick had a couple of bloody mary’s and then we were off to Lakeport for the flyin and Pear Festival.. I wasn’t sure they would want to go because of no sleep, but they were gung ho!!
We walked around and took pictures of the different planes and the amphibian cars.. Spent a couple hours there and then headed over to festival. Festival was pretty much over and the vendors were packing up..
We decided to go over the TNT for dinner and then head home. Rick and Lynn needed to sleep..
Beautiful Clearlake in California

Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Rick & Lynn Visit 9/28-10/3
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Brother Rick coming for Visit!!
Rick & Lynn should be here sometime late Friday evening or early Saturday Morning.. with our boat in tow!! It is all fixed!! YIPEEE so excited! I have the BEST brother in the whole world! Lynn is a pretty special sister in law too.. Hey she puts up with Rick and me..
He is always so generous and giving!! I will cook all week! He loves my cooking, so we will feed both of them well!! Seems like I have had lots of practice these last months..
They will stay till next Friday and then head back to WA. where they will meet up with friends for the weekend and then head home on Sunday 10/6.
Hopefully on 10/5 Ev and I will head up to Hat Creek/Medicine Lake too.. providing the weather is good..??
Check out weather>> http://www.weather.com/weather/extended/USCA0683?par=yahoo&site=www.yahoo.com&promo=extendedforecast&cm_ven=Yahoo&cm_cat=www.yahoo.com&cm_pla=forecastpage&cm_ite=CityPage
Next couple of weeks are going to be good..
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Tuesday to Tuesday 9/17-9/24 PARTEEEE
Ahh the weather is changing and the year is rushing by! As we all say “Where does the time go?” I think the time is always the same. Sometimes time drags and sometimes you look back at week and wonder “how did I do all those things"?
If you can imagine earlier in the day one of my caps came off my tooth.. Called the dentist and she couldn’t get me until the following Tuesday..As it turned out, I couldn’t get the cap back on and had to leave it off all week.. not to sensitive.. I made it..
On Tuesday 9/17 our friends Scott & Carla had us over to their home here in the Keys for a lovely dinner. Rib’s, lots of veggies and some really great company! I made the Tomatoes Summer salad and a apple crisp to share. We ate on the deck in spite of the wind and some rather cooler temps (truly a welcome change). We all pitched in to help clean up and in no time it was done.. We sat down at the table and played “farkle”, cute game of dice. I do believe Carla was the first winner and I won the second round. I even threw 6 “3’s” out of the cup at once!! When does that ever happen?? Odds are pretty slim I am sure.
Thursday we were invited to dinner at our friends Gayle & Rob out in spring valley, sort of a anniversary celebration. I brought another Summer Salad. Rob sister, Karen and brother in law Gene were visiting here from Port Townsend, WA. They had two purposes for their visit. the obvious one was to visit family and the other was to attend their class reunion.
Gayle cooked up a mess of ribs! along with some scalloped potatoes, veggies, desserts.. Totally stuffed after that lovely dinner and a wonderful visit. We called it an early evening as we still had two more parties over the next couple of days..
Friday was the “Full Moon” party at Ben & Julie’s. B & J were celebrating their one year anniversary being in their new house!! After years and years of miserable dealings with permits, crappy neighbors, etc. The finally got this house done and it was truly worth the wait! The house sits on a point that jets out on the lake, surrounded by a metal retaining wall, making about 4 acres, some is natural land and some is fill.
We arrived on Friday evening at Ben & Julie’s and our friend Scott was designated the “parking attendant” making sure that no one blocked anyone from leaving. There was plenty of parking. Already when we arrived there were lots of people! We walked in the foyer and the house was already full of people, laughing, munching and visiting with each other.. Very warm feeling as we walked in. Beautiful views of the lake from every room in the house. The living area is all wide open probably approx. 3500 sq feet of living room dinning room and kitchen!! HUGE! Decorated with lovely antiques hand painted porcelain plates, French Proventil chairs with a modern over stuffed sofa in the living room, lovely antique buffet and large table covered in desserts!! We brought a Summer Salad and Mac Salad.
Walking out through the sliding glass doors to the out door kitchen to another crowd of people. Grant & Ben cooking up tri tips/turkey/ and ?? not sure what all they cooked. The guests all brought sides and of course the desserts I mentioned earlier . As we made our way through all these familiar faces embracing this one and that one, we finally made it to the outdoor bar. We made ourselves a drink and walked out into the yard to over look the lake. Beautiful.
We are one day before fall starts and we have a weather system in place this evening, Rain is predicted. We never get rain in September!! Well first time for everything I guess. Not only did it sprinkle some, it was windy and dam cold!
I ended up coming home and changing into something warmer.. Ben & Julie also hired “Scotty J” to play music for us all.. Must have been at least 80 people there! Lots of danced and it looked like everyone was enjoying themselves. As the party wound down, the sprinkles were getting more like rain and so I encouraged people to get the tables and chair broke down and put away into the garage, so that nothing would get ruined. It wasn’t long and it was all put away.. Not sure how the kitchen looked, but know there was probably a lot of work to be done in there!! We left after the tables/chairs were put away. We left about 11pm and there was till another event that the Moose was having on Saturday that I was heading up..
Saturday morning we up early and on the run once again..
Moose end of the Summer BBq wasn’t the best turnout.. We did have a nice band.. Lee & Eric were our cooks. the ladies donated salads, we brought a Mac Salad.. We had a cake walk, does so good!
Sunday I met a few women for our craft cleanup room. We planned a pot luck. Tina made this wonderful tortellini soup and I made a tuna casserole.. that was all the food we had..
Monday Ev and I went over to the Paradise House and cleaned.. When we came home I started getting ready for the “Birthday Party” and to decorate for fall..
I decided to celebrate 4 birthdays all at once.. Larry (July), Ev (Aug), Laura and Rich (Sept).. It was a nice nice evening.. I usually like to entertain and have everyone for dinner here and there. But it seems I have had no time to do it. So it was such a pleasure to have them all here..
Saturday, September 14, 2013
GUEST SPEAKER JIM STEELE: Issues concerning our lake..
Check out Jim’s website he has some very interesting articles he has written on the lake.>>
Monday, September 9, 2013
Moose Convention 9/8-9/8/2013
I am so amazed that we got out of the house on time early Thursday morning. We decided not take Hwy 20 up through Marysville/Yuba City. We took I-5 instead, faster but more mileage. Still took us over 4 hours. We arrived in Reno about Noon, checked into the Peppermill, nice nice rooms.
Then rushed over to the Atlantis to check-in and possibly make the meeting that afternoon.
When Ev woke up Thursday morning he thought he was coming down with a cold.. Sure enough! Poor thing he suffered the whole weekend!
We didn’t make it to the meeting on Thursday afternoon. We decided we needed to pick up a few things and have breakfasts in the room instead of eating out every meal. I heard later that the grand opening meeting was pretty disorganized, so we were grateful we did the shopping. After shopping we brought the stuff back to our room.. And thought it would be nice to go and sit down by the pool and kick back a bit.
After the pool we thought it would great to go to the Cal Neva for dinner with hopes we would see Larry & Lynn. We did go to dinner, but didn’t see our friends, Larry & Lynn..
Dinner wasn’t so good at the cafĂ©.. oh well..
Went back to the room. I could tell Ev was feeling worse, so it was time.
Thursday Ev decided to stay in the room.. A good place for him, so he could rest and hopefully feel better.
Friday was a full day of meetings.. I headed over to the Atlantis to the meeting rooms.
Of course as I entered the meeting area there many familiar faces. Pam was saving us a place to sit in the huge meeting room.. that is pretty much where we spent most of our time over the next few days. Lynn could only make one meeting, and off they were to parts unknown.. Hello?? RENO?? Lynn and pai gow, dahhhh knew where she went!!.
Friday night Ev and I stayed in and ordered pizza. so we made it movie night.
Saturday Ev was a little better thought he would come to one of the meetings for the men.. He did.. but pretty much wore himself out.. We met up with Pam and her sis Bev for lunch. Soon after lunch Ev went back to the Peppermill to lay down or go to the pool..“Poor guy”?? Pool? Oh yeah right?.. Probably checking out all those “babes” or maybe it was just “babe”
At any rate he was still not feeling well.
Saturday afternoon I received an award for “top sponsor”, got a certificate and a “tiara”..
When I got back to the room we had a drink and were trying to decided it we would go for dinner?? Decided to have some cheese and crackers some fruit and call it a night.
Sunday morning was the “Green Cap” ceremony (personal honors) for women that have done an outstanding job in their position as Senior Regents whom have met all the required paper work as well as making the Award of Achievement. There were several women receiving this honor. Pam Rowland our friend and co-worker at the lodge was receiving her “green cap” this morning.. Congrats to her!!
A very nice ceremony. I stayed long enough for her to get her award and took some pics then headed out.
Today is Sunday. Ev and I need to do some major shopping before heading back home. Costco and Cash & Carry..
I went back to the Peppermill, Ev wasn’t ready yet.. So played about $20 in the machine to make my “donation”.. In the meantime Ev soon was by my side and we thought we should have a bit to eat before hitting the road.. Again we went to the buffet.. OMG when she rang the amount we were both in shock!! nearly $50 for brunch.. turns out it is “Sunday Brunch” with champagne and all the crab/shrimp/oysters you could eat along with all the other food you could eat!! Ok so we indulged ourselves! uumm sooooooooooooo good!
Coconut Cream Pie..<<his favorite
Soon we were on the road.. Headed for the stores.. It was nearly 2pm when we finished and we were on the road home with a SUV full or food for the Moose..
We arrived at the lodge about 6 or so and thankfully they were still open so we could leave off all this food..
As it turns out, Ev really had a bad weekend.. Not only did he loose gambling, he was sick, he lost his prescription sunglasses and his Hawaii ball cap.. Not a good weekend for him…