Beautiful Clearlake in California

Beautiful Clearlake in California
Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
Update: March 6th, 2016.
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..

Friday, July 26, 2013

Camping at Lake Davis


Of course Ev & I got a late start on Tuesday the 16th of July. Probably about 11am.. and of course it was HOT! We had both truck and trailer as well as Toyota and Quad trailer in tow, 2 vehicles.. Lots of fuel.. Sad smile  As it turned out as we took all the wrong turns and got up to Paradise then back down to Chico and then back tracked back to Orville to get to hwy 70 to follow the Feather River up to Portola. We finally got camp about 7:30 that evening at Grizzly campground.. Long day… But we made it! I wouldn’t advise doing hwy 70 with all the towing, up and down around corners some sharp,  narrow bridges.. not good.. Gorgeous scenery if you could enjoy it.. I was thinking that some of those really narrow roads and all I could see was the VALLEY FLOOR way below me!! YICKS!
We were the first of our group to arrive. We were up there two days earlier than every one else.. Gave us some to explore. We took the quads for a ride at the north end of the lake.. Some really beautiful country! Got some great shots of the lake from far above it.. Did I mention how HOT is was! HOT!!
Lindsy & Chris arrived on Thursday as well as Mike & Julia. Mike has a semi permanent camp over by the Grizzly store area and we were camped in the state campground Grizzly. About a mile or so apart..
We had dinner at Mike’s camp the first couple of nights..
On Friday afternoon Carrie & Jason arrived. Lindsy & Julia were very nice and set up their tent for them..
Did I mention how HOT IT IS!! BTW.. our generator was acting up so we couldn’t use the AC!! Did I mention how HOT it was???!!!!!!! THE WHOLE TIME!
Each day we spent down on the lake.. swimming/kayaking/fishing.. It was great cause it was so HOT! and the water was lovely!
Saturday evening was Hamburgers at the Jacob camp!
We played “corn hole”. Mike & Colin played baseball.. Smile
Sunday was our turn for dinner.. we fixed up a bunch of ribs, some squash au gratin and potato salad and some home made break I made earlier that day.. soo good.. Smile
Monday morning the kids all packed up and went home.. We decided to stay that one extra day, so we could go out fishing with Mike & Julia. and I also had promised to take Julia for a quad ride after fishing..
We got a late start to go fishing, nearly noon I bet before we got out on the lake. Didn’t seem to bother the fish.. They were biting nicely!!
I caught the first fish Smile and the most.. Smile We did come in with 13 fish total.. not bad.. Evee, caught 2 nice ones, he was the official netter… Smile Mike got the biggest ones and Julia was sun bathing and caught the smallest one.. so no one got skunked!! Smile
As soon as we came in from fishing, late about 4 or so.. Ev and I headed over to our camp to get the quads so we could go for that ride..
As it turned out there was this nice kid, (can’t remember his name right now) that took us to the “secret falls” and this lovely creek.. Nice ride beautiful scenery.. a fun ride!! When we returned to Mike’s camp he had dinner all ready for us.. Smile We said our good byes that night as we were taking off for home on Tuesday.. Had a great time!! It was HOT!
Thanks everyone for such a fun fun week!!!!!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Celebrating Colin’s 7th Birthday

Our grandson’s 7th birthday was celebrated by both family and friends. The friends part was at the Petaluma Pool.
Lindsy & Chris decorated a long table with a “shark” theme. How appropriate, at the pool.. Smile Seemed as though there were many parties going on the same day. And it appeared that some of Colin’s other friends had the same birthday month! So not only was Colin’s birthday but several others of his friends also!
Colin had lots of friends and his girl cousins!! Also seemed Colin was quite the attraction to all the girls.. Smile They were surrounding him in the pool!



After a fabulous celebration at the pool with all his friends and great gifts! We moved on to yet another party.. The “family” party with hamburgers and hot dogs. Oh and yet more gifts!!
Colin had a great birthday!!! Happy birthday my boy and many many more!!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Boat Parade with the DeWolfe’s

Here we go with “Day #3”, parrrrteeeeeeeee… Arrived about 9am Saturday morning at Rich & Judy’s to watch the boat parade. Already they have a houseful of people.. Family mostly, both their boys Rick & Tony, Tasha, Austin and all the dogs!! OMG!! Friends Dale and his two kids, Ashley and Travis. Larry & Lynn arrived just in time for the parade.. guess they didn’t know for sure the time the parade started, but the main thing they got there in time!! Smile
We had more hor devours all laid out in the kitchen. Memosa’s were the drink of the morning.. Smile As the boat parade got started, the kids/adults got their water guns ready for soaking the boaters as they passed by!! Dogs were going nuts and jumping into the water.. Seemed everyone was having fun and laughing and just enjoying the boats as they cruised by.. people are so creative.. Great themes!
After we go the view of the boats, Judy brought out a present for Larry (birthday is July 4th) and we all sang happy birthday.. I think it was Larry’s 81st birthday.. Smile Happy Birthday Larry!!
We continued partying with shots of tequila and some cherry vodka.. Smile 

In the meantime Dale and the kids were getting ready to go out in the boat.. They were blowing up this HUGE TUBE so the kids could all get on it.. But before the kids went out they went to the neighbors house and picked me 2 baskets of apricots!! Smile
About 12:30 the party broke up.. However we would all get together and meet for dinner at the DeWolfe’s about 5pm and drive down to the Running Creek Casino for their All you can Eat Seafood Buffet…
We had plans for the afternoon to go down to the Key’s Club to their party so I could drop off those cupcakes for the “cake walk”.
When we arrived at the Key’s club the place was busting with kids in the pool, barb-q going, games galore.. Fun time at the Keys’ Club…

Boat Parade Photos


Movie of the WATER WORKS!!Smile

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fireworks on the 5th at Leonard & Bea’s

Earlier in June, Bea came to me and asked me if Ev & I were going host a party on the 5th of July to view the fireworks.. I told her not this year, just too much going on.. I could see in her face that she was happy so now she could invited Ev & I to their home for a nice get together!!
It just seems that this “heat wave” doesn’t want to let up! However, the 5th was cooler than it has been.
Friday I spent cooking up some deviled eggs, some apricot bread, cupcakes, monkey bread. All this food was going to go to other places where we were invited as hor devours/finger food.
We arrived at Leonard & Bea’s about 7:30pm. When we walked in everyone greeted us and John Z was playing his music and welcomed us and said “now the party can begin”.. isn’t he sweet..Smile 
The party was light and comfortable. About 10 people, a nice crowd. This is where the hor devours came in.
Seems there were other parties going on in the neighborhood that same evening. Bea & Leonard’s neighbors also were having a party and there must have been 40 people at that party.. and lots of pretty ladies too.. Ev was in the middle of them!! Smile 
The fireworks were spectacular! We had a great view of them!!
For some reason I was so nice and relaxed sitting with Bea and company I forgot to take photos of all of us!! Can you imagine?? LOL oh well.. I did get pics of the fireworks!
A GRAND time was had by all.. Thank you Leonard & Bea.. Lovely lovely party!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July with the Vasheresse’s

I tell ya those Vasheresse’s sure can throw a party! What a grand time everyone had!
Even with the HOT HUMID weather they were troopers! Shirley & Ernie had horseshoe pits set up on the lot across the street for a tournament. Had the patio outside their place all fixed up cute for the 4th! Decorations galore! Hor devours & cocktails.. Even with the horribly hot weather there was a great turnout of friends!! Not only was there the horseshoe toss there was another game of “guess how much candy is in the jar” game.. There were even prizes for all the winners!! Beautiful made birdhouses, courtesy of Ernie himself that builds these beautiful birdhouses as a hobby and always gives them away!! Shirley made up beautiful gift baskets for other prizes.. Wonderful and generous people!
Then after all the games and prizes, “Dinner is served”!! Ernie cooked up some hotdogs/sausages/hamburgers. Shirley was organizing all the food in the house on the table.
Another great party!! Thanks guys!! Smile

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Lindsy and Colin for a visit!

Lindsy & Colin arrived just about 11am on what seemed to be the hottest day of the year!Temperatures had been soaring each day all week and today was to be the hottest with high humidity! Topping out at 111 degrees with humidity levels around 50%! Pretty much unheard off in this part of the country. Many areas in CA suffered even higher temps during this heat wave!

Lindsy and I decided that this would be a great day to spend at the pool at the Keys Club. Even the water at the pool was a lot warmer than normal. I guess due to the extremely warm nights we were also experiencing!
Ev came down and joined us for a short swim and played with Colin in the water and played a little volleyball.. I think it was too hot for volleyball..
After being at the pool for 3 hours (spending most of that time IN the pool) plus we decided to come back to the house and get a snack and think about getting dinner started. Dinner is going to consist of Taco’s tonight.. Too dam hot for anything else..
While Lindsy and I prepared dinner and had a few cocktails, Ev & Colin went out to the “Cool” tub (otherwise the “Hot” tub, but turned the heat off)..
Later in the evening the skies were on fire with color and huge billowing clouds indicating that there were thunder/lighting/rain in store for tonight!! As we stood on the deck we could see off in the distance the bursts of light flashing lighting up the skies!! What a light show!!
It wonderful to have Colin and Lindsy here with us.. we hadn’t seen Colin since Christmas! I think he must of grown a few inches in that time! He’s getting so big! He will be turning 7 years old this next week!! Where does the time go??
In the morning Colin & Lindsy will head over to Blue Lakes to join her husband Chris and other family members for the 4th of July weekend camping…

Monday, July 1, 2013