Glorianne teaching Ev how to crack eggs!!

Linda clobbering Stan!!
We arrived at Glorianne & Stan’s about 12:30pm on Thursday.. We pulled in next to the barn with the trailer. Perfect spot..

We were able to plug in, so all was good.
We had offered to help cook and prep for the “Rendezvous at Shelly Creek”, black powder shoot. Runs through the Memorial Day Weekend. Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday.. We will serve 6 meals, 3 dinners and 3 breakfasts. Ev and I can only stay through Saturday nights dinner and then head for home on Sunday morning…
G & S were just pulling out when we arrived on Thursday. They were headed down to pick up tables, chairs, etc.. We said we would meet up with them at the museum where they would pick up the chairs, etc..
The horse trailer was our kitchen set up. We got the tables/chairs and awnings up on Thursday evening… Quite a crew to help..
We soon were finished with set up so we took G & S to Mexican dinner in Fall River Mills.. and then back to the house.. G & S had to help with a small roundup of cattle with some friends that evening.. We retired early.. We had an earthquake about 8:45pm that evening.. read below about it in last post..
Woke up that morning was 22 degrees!! buurrrrrr.. Days were warm, nights were very cold.. typical Memorial Day weekend weather.. transitional…
Friday was shopping and getting more prep for the weekend to come. Glorianne, Bless her heart, she just is a go’in concern.. She has full plate this girl!!
When we got back out to the cook camp we started preparing food for that night’s guests.. The ranch where this was held was at the “Knock” place.. Campers with tents/trailers/etc.. were coming and parking in the open meadows and under the trees.. We served about 40 people that night.. great food..
We did breakfast the next morning.. I was the “egg” flipper.. did pretty good for the most part.. I’ve practiced at home over the years, so I was confident I would be able to do it.. 
Glorianne mixed up the pancake mix.. put beer in.. soo good..
We had quite a crew helping with all the meals.. Everett & Glorianne were cracking the eggs.. Ev was a tuff student for Glorianne to teach.. I think he finally got it.. They were having fun…
That afternoon we served up some great pork loin with potatoes and carrots/cole slaw with apples and dried cranberries. The meat was all cooked in dutch ovens (cast iron pots).. delicious food! I love the garlic bread the best!! OMG it was to die for!! Loved it!!
Saturday was a long day.. up at 5am got back to the house about 8:30 that night.. We did breakfast and dinner..

It was fun to watch the contestants (black powder shoot) that had entered the shoot.. They had all kinds of different things they did.. Knife throwing, axe throwing, cannon shoot, rifle shoots, lots of things.. Some were dressed in period clothing..
It was a fun fun time! I am happy we were there to help Glorainne & Stan.. Great people.. 
article on the earthquake>> http://theorion.com/news/article_21eb558c-c431-11e2-b70c-001a4bcf6878.html