April 17, 2013
Hair appointment 9am
Pick up corn hole game at Lindsy’s work
Pick up Eifel tower/table dec’s at Toni & Phil’s in Petaluma
Pick up trailer in Santa Rosa
Go to Costco for supplies for Yosemite trip on Sunday
April 18th
Go to bank sign signature card
Moose Installation Practice 3pm
Fix sprinkler leaks-home
April 19th
Go by Jim & Shirley’s drop of Moose membership, Possible lunch?
Home to pack for Yosemite trip on Sunday to Thursday 4/21-4/25
April 20th
Fashion Show at the Moose, Noon, meet Bea Garcia
50’s-60’s Dance at the Keys club 6pm
April 21st
Leave for camping with the trailer to Walnut Creek to pick up Lee..
April 22nd
Drive to Groveland/Yosemite
April 25th
Drive home from Yosemite
April 26th
Pick up flower at Safeway
Design 20 corsages
Put together bouquets for Saturday Installation
Make pot luck dish for Saturday
April 27th
Installation starts at 2pm
April 28th
Clean Paradise House
April 29-May 4th
Get ready for Cinco de Derby Party
May 4th
Cinco de Derby Party.. gonna be a blast!!!
May 5-May 10
Get ready for Fishing trip up North
May 11th
Lee’s Birthday Party
Cook for the party
May 12th
Finish packing for Fishing Trip!!
May 13-may 26
Fishing Trip.. awww
May 24th
Gail & Don arriving.. 
May 26th
Home from Fishing Trip