Beautiful Clearlake in California

Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Impromptu dinner with Charles & Tim
Charles & Tim called us about 3pm on Saturday to invite us up for a good old fashion Hamburger barb-q at Charles place in Lucerne..
We arrived about 5:30ish.. Greeted with hugs and more hugs!! Enjoyed some lovely conversation had a couple of cocktails and then had dinner about 7ish.. Ummm very good.. Charles did some bacon wrapped asparagus, very andante and perfectly cooked hamburgers!!
After dinner there was a lovely sunset over Clear Lake!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Wine Tasting with Bobbie Jo & Eric
The day started out with Eric & Bobbie Jo making us breakfast!! woo hooo!! Oh Yeah! Eric was the “KING” of the waffle iron and the pancakes!! Bobbie was busy doing the bacon and God knows what else.. But she was busy! Wonderful breakfast guys!!
We had a plan for the day. We were going to go wine tasting, not before Ev would introduce Eric to the 4wheelers (quads)!
Seemed we kind of aggressively asserted Eric onto the quad and off they were going. Eric was very apprehensive when he left, however about an hour later when they returned, he was already “old hat” at it!
Bobbie and I were ready to for wine tasting by the time they got back. However, Ev needed to shower and Eric needed to catch up a little on work business on the computer, then we were off! Kind of a late start nearly 2pm now.. We decided to start at Ceago and then work our way back this way, hitting Brassfields last, since it is located just behind us less than 3 miles away.. aww good plan..
Ceago was great. We had a few tastings, met some nice people, bought a few bottles of wine and then we were on our way to Shannon Ridge.. Had a few tastes, bought a few bottles of wine and it was getting late now, so we headed to Brassfields and it was already 4:30 soon to close at 5. We arrive in time. Bob was our gracious host pouring our samples. Bob also took a few pictures of us fooling around and posing.. Fun day..
Our day was busy for sure. When we got home Bobbie Jo started cooking her taco dinner. OMG I had no idea it took so long to make tacos! The wait and all the prep (like 2 hours) was well worth it! ummm they were so good!!
Hot Tub time!!
Then after Hot Tub.. it was karaoke in the bar for me and Bobbie.. the guys?? well I guess we were just too much fun for them!!
So now you know the whole story!!
No need to relay how the next day went.. guess you probably figured it out by now.. Bobbie Jo and I didn’t go to bed till about 1:30am… We all were late getting up in the morning.However Bobbie made us all taco scramble for breakfast!! Bless your heart Bobbie Jo.. You are just a work’in fool!! Eric & Bobbie Jo got a late start to go home. It was wonderful to have you both!! See you soon!!!! Love ya!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Sharing Good Times with Good Friends
It was so nice to share good times with old friends and one new one!! As you know from an earlier post I was united with some very good friends of my parents earlier this month, Pete & Bea! It is so wonderful to have them share our life some decades later!! Another long time friend Bobbie Jo whom we haven’t seen for a few years, called us last week and said “are you ready for company”?? And of course our response was YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!
Ev and I planned dinner for Sunday. Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings. I started early in the morning getting everything ready. Made a homemade lemon meringue pie, sausage dressing, mashed yukon potatoes, gravy and bacon laced turkey stuffed with apples, onions and rosemary.. uumm delic!
Our first guests were Pete & Bea.. Wonderful to see them.. My heart feels so blessed to have them back in my life.. Brings back some really fun and great memories from years gone by. I feel like I almost have my parents back again.. reliving some enjoyable moments in time. We got to spend a little one on one time before our other guests would arrive. Loved having that time to enjoy them both.
Wasn’t too long and the party would begin!! Bobbie Jo and new beau Eric arrived with smiles and laughter! Both willing to jump in and help with ever needed to be done!! not before first going to the bar to have a cocktail. Cocktails in hand and out on the deck we all went. People getting introduced, small conversations soon formed and before you knew it we were all friends!! I loved every minute of it!! And then it was dinner time.
I started pulling things out of the oven, Bobbie mashed the potatoes and Eric was carving the turkey!!
And everything smelled wonderful!! And dinner was served.. Lemon meringue pie for dessert, good wine and better yet, good friends!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Years gone by.. 35 plus! Pete & Bea
I was at my class reunion in Sept.. met up with a girl Barbara whom I hadn’t seen since high school. She told me that her Mom & Dad lived here at Clear Lake.. Pete & Bea were very good friends to my parents and it has been more than 35 years since I have seen them!
So about a month ago I was thinking, I need to look up Pete & Bea in the phone book and WALA!! Their they were!! I was thrilled to say the least! So I called and Pete answered the phone and I told him whom I was and I could tell he was tickled to her from me.. He soon handed the phone to Bea and she was so excited! Probably as excited as I was! It was wonderful to talk to them both.. brought back some very nice memories ..
So today we got to meet up for lunch! They both looked so great! The years have been kind! Bea is still very beautiful! Pete is still very quite as I remember him.. They have been married 52 years! We discussed all the kids on each side.. tried to catch up on a few things. Lunch was about 2 1/2 hours long.. so you know we did a lot of catching up!!
We plan to have them up for dinner really soon..
Pete and Bea today..
Pete and Bea circa 1972 with my Dad and my Grandmother, who was probably about the same age the same age Bea is in the photo.. BEA LOOKS FABULOUS!!!
I am sure Pete wishes he wasn’t sticking his tongue in this picture.. so that just goes to show you! Don’t stick your tongue out in pictures they may come back to haunt you 40 years later!!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Home after a Wonderful 14 days on Kauai
We arrive home on Sunday afternoon of St Paddy’s day.. What a gorgeous day to come home too..
While unpacking I noticed that I didn’t have the computer I borrowed from my friend Lynn!! OMG I was frantic!! I couldn’t think of anything else I just needed work on getting that computer back! So I filed a claim with Alaska Airline “I left something on the plane” site. I submitted it about 5 or 6 times to be sure they read the email!! Ev called the airlines and left a description of it.. All our diligence paid off!! Monday night about 9:15, Berta from Alaska Airlines called and said they found the computer!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I guess I was more worried about all the work, blogging I had on the computer than the actual computer.. I tried to post the blog stuff however there was some kind of glitch so I couldn’t get all the information uploaded to the internet. I had spent hours writing it.. So no more worries.. Hopefully now I can get this blog updated in the next couple of days..
Sunday, March 17, 2013
More photos of Kauai
Here are a collection of photos taken while we were in Kauai.. I hope you enjoy them..
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Last full day on Kauai 3/15/13
We have looked high and low for Ev’s drivers license and credit card. No luck. So when we got up this morning Ev headed over to the airport to find out what the procedures were for him to do because he had no real identification. However he found out that his “Costco” card would work along with other credit cards.. What a relief! However it is still nerve racking not to have your drivers license and had to call and cancel credit card.. dang! OMG we searched everywhere! Still no luck in finding it..
We made the best of it anyway and headed our last day to the beach back over by Poipu, our favorite beach for sure now!
When we got to the beach, it was blowing hard, huge waves, ocean was full of white caps!! We tried to put our things down and sit in the sun, but we were getting beat up by the sand.. Stinging our skin as it hit us.. so we packed up our stuff and relocated to a much more protected area. Much much better! Still windy, but not so uncomfortable.
While eating our homemade turkey sandwiches the birds/chickens/dove and sparrows showed up begging.. We indulged in giving them tid bits for which they stuck around for at least an hour.. too windy to go snorkeling or swimming, so we packed up early and started heading back to the condo.
We are meeting Rich & Judy for dinner at the Trees’ restaurant at 5pm.. ooopss we were late..We stopped at a little jewelry store in Koloa on the way back.. Ev bought me this piece that had been calling my name all week long!! I LOVE IT!!!!!Then had to stop and fill the rental car, stop and get souvenirs and drop off the snorkel gear.. It was 5pm when we got back.. so we hurried and showered and met them over at the Trees’.. Had $5 martinis and other drinks that were $5 till happy hour was over.. we also enjoyed some delicious fish/shrimp tacos!! uummm so good! It was an early evening.. After we left the Trees’ we took a walk around the grounds of the complex and out by the ocean.. It was very cool so we decided to call it a night..
A few more photos below that I thought were so cool..
Panoramic of Poipu Beach
Friday, March 15, 2013
Kayaking/Hiking with Rich & Judy 3/14
Our day started out getting ready for our kayak trip.. however at this point we realized Ev’s drivers License and credit card was no where to be found! We searched high low under and over! Still no credit card or drivers license! We were thinking on Tuesday we were going to go kayaking so he just took what we thought we needed, drivers license/credit card.. Well when we decided to do it another day it didn’t get put back in his wallet..?? and somehow was misplaced!! So we decided were weren’t going to let it ruin our day.. So we just went about our day and had a great time!!
We booked a tour with the Wailua Kayak Tour a few days earlier for Thursday mid-day tour. Tour was kayak up the Wailua River, park the kayak and hike to the secret falls!! Well worth it! What a great tour person we had, Kathryn.. She explained many things about the island that we never knew. Most of it history..
I was surprised Rich did so well with the hike. I was proud that he made it!
The hike was a about an hour, thinking that would be about a mile there and of course a mile back. Once we reached the falls we broke out our lunch and a nice cold beer! Enjoyed a bit to eat and it wasn’t long before Ev was under the falls! Everyone was saying how cold it was, but didn’t seem to think so.. He is so funny and so daring sometimes! Ev always has fun in whatever he does. Rich & Judy were content on sitting up on the hill watching all the “idiots” getting into the icey waters and some of them standing under the falls! It wasn’t long and we were making our way back down to the Kayaks. Time sure passed quickly. the whole tour was only to takes 4 hours.. We didn’t get back to the dock till well after 6pm..
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Final Days with Ted & Mary 3/14
We had a GREAT time with Ted & Mary.. Their last day was 3/13 and we met them at Poipu Beach. We sat and chatted, got to know each other a little more today. We also enjoyed a beer or two together as well as a turkey sandwich that we brought so we could share.. We mainly sat and enjoyed the beautiful paradise around us, gazing out over the ocean.. We did walk over to where people were boogie boarding to see the turtles. Got some shots, mine weren’t too good.. but you can see the turtle images or their heads popping out..
We all snorkeled in the small bay below us. Incredible fish! the colors were amazing!! We didn’t spend a lot of time out there floating around.. it was cool today with the wind blowing. Ev and I did the snorkeling first, then Ted & Mary went out.
After sitting on the beach, people watching as well as “chicken” watching, we decided it was time to go to Tomkats for some happy hour drinks and some uuumm yummy fish and chips!! soo good!
Just as we got up to say good bye, Ev & Mary started doing the boogie woogie!! They were so cute..
We had a great time with Ted & Mary.. We were happy out paths crossed! Ted is soon going to be a grand dad for his first time!! Congrats Ted!!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Poipu Beach 3/12
We have spent a few days on the Poipu Beach this week.. The beach is a bit crowded, great snorkeling and the waves are slight This part thrills me after the other day when we were at another beach the waves were sucking me in!! YICKS!
We met Ed & Julie from Colorado one day.. We then joined them at Kapaki joes in Lihue for happy hour drinks and pupu’s.
Before going to the beach today we stopped at Wailua Falls and took some pictures. We were so hoping we could go hiking, but there were no hiking trails..
We then went back the to the poipu beach again the next day.
However our intent was to go kayaking, but because we didn’t make prior arrangements. So now we have made a plan to go on Thursday. We are taking the tour because they take the kayaks to the river, or we would have to strap them to the car..NOT! going to happen. So we are doing the tour.. We did check around for prices, etc.. and we found that Wailua Kayak Adventures was the best deal so we booked that for this Thursday..Rich & Judy and us will do a “tour” to the secret falls.. $40 pp. We checked prices and one of the tours (same as we booked) was $105 pp!!!<<this one served lunch.. uumm.. making our own lunch.. Ali’I Kayaks people were sooooooooooooo rude! Differently and attitude adjusted is needed here..
We are watching tv while I am writing and the new pope is about to take the balcony!! how exciting!! Pope Francis 1/Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He has arrived! Wow the crowd is cheering, flashing cameras, flags waving!! Amazing..
After the beach we had a date with ‘Rich & Judy to go to dinner at the Hukilau Lanai for dinner. It was a nice evening we spent with each other.. Unfortunately the pictures we took were really dark.. Food was pretty good..
Wailua Falls, Spouting Horn, Dinner with Rich & Judy
Monday, March 11, 2013
TomKats Grille Koloa, Kauai 3/11
We started our day on the beach just north of Kapaa this morning.. The weather is overcast with a bit of rain thrown in here and there and temps about mid 70’s.. very pleasant really..
Before we actually got to the beach we shopped a bit at the little outdoor market at the north end of town. We bought a shirt and a cute little cover up type dress. Been wanting to stop there for about a week.. yipee got to stop, now the day on the beach is welcomed.
Ev did some boogie boarding in the surf, while I watched and took so pics.. Then Ev talked me into coming in.. There was a strong under current and it scared me so I got out.. No more going in the surf for me.. scared me to death! We will have to find a less “wavy” beach next time.. After the beach we got back to condo and cleaned up and headed to Poipu for happy hour drinks and pupu’s at TomKats..Very good, by the way.. we recommend TomKats in Poipu/Koloa.
After having our “dinner” we decided to walk the “boardwalk” out front.. We stopped and talked with a few different people when we came upon Jeff & Brenda..
Simply delightful couple from the Fresno area of California, farmers there. Jeff & Brenda age about early 50’s nicest people you would ever want to meet!! We started talking and they started sharing the story of their life for the past couple of years. A series of events that would change the course of their lives forever!
Jeff & Brenda married about 30 plus years ago with two grown daughters. Brenda was adopted as a baby and new this her whole life. She had such a wonderful adopted Mom & Dad and really never felt the need to pursue her birth mother..
I will try and make this incredible journey a short story. Jeff said we should sit down over a cocktail while they shared and absolutely heart warming thrilling story! I will keep this as short as I can, I just hope that I don’t skim over details that were so important..
Brenda was diagnosed with breast cancer about a year ago or so. Jeff & Brenda’s daughters both had planned big weddings already in process and her adopted Mom died two days after the first daughter’s marriage. In the meantime a friend of Brenda’s went to work for an agency that worked with adopted children. A little light comes on in both Jeff & Brenda and they asked the friend to see if she could find out Brenda’s birth Mom? Brenda probably wouldn’t have to know at this point in her life, but due to the breast cancer she needed to know if this kind cancer ran in the family. Jeff mainly pursued the search at first. To both of their astonishment they found the birth mother and she was located less than 8 hours away!! However when the contact person Jeff knew contacted her she didn’t want to be bothered.. However at this time the birth Mother had just been robbed and her identity had been stolen, so thinking that this was probably part of the crime, dismissed the call thinking Brenda & Jeff were not whom they said they were..
I think that Jeff actually was heading up this effort with out the knowledge of Brenda afraid of the rejection, making life even more difficult at this point. In the meantime Jeff (Brenda’s husband) pursued other avenues. He found Brenda’s brother via FB.. found pictures of family, etc and did share photos of the family.. after sometime (not exactly sure of the time line).. After sometime had pasted Jeff sent the brother and his wife a message through FB etc.. no contact even then.. Eventually Jeff wrote another note and this time, the brother wrote back and then Jeff and the brother spoke on the phone and verified each others identity and adoption. Brenda’ was so excited to know she had a blood brother!! and she had nieces that looked so much like even her own daughters!! And best of all Brenda’s brother went and talked to “Mom”.. It wasn’t long before really they were all one happy family! There was much much more, but mainly I just wanted to tell the story.. It took many months and the biggest worry was rejection..And there was, Jeff saved Brenda some of the disappointment (great husband!).. and Well? It has all worked out wonderfully! Brenda has finished her chemo and radiation and she is now cancer free!! YIPEEEEE!!
Her birth Mother was able to attend her “granddaughters” wedding. Brenda’s adopted family all welcomed her birthmother with hugs into their family. And Brenda’s birth Mom’s side of the family had no history of breast cancer.. How wonderful a horrible disease could bring a family together!
We enjoyed this story so much I need to share it.. Unfortunately I couldn’t relay to you the feelings and tears that went with this heart wrenching story.. I hope you can read between the lines..
I hope we have made some life long friends in Jeff & Brenda! If not it was such a pleasure to meet such an uplifting loving couple and want to thank them for sharing such an important life changing experience with us! We want to wish all of them an extra wonderful fulfilling life! God Bless you and give you much health and happiness!! Loved meeting you both! You two are awesome!!!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Last Day Saturday for kids 3/9/13
This morning the kids all packed up and ready to go. They dropped off their extra food.. Sad looks from them all.. Wished they could have stayed longer..?? but they had to get home.. We really had a GREAT week! Everyone pretty much did their own thing while here! So everyone really did enjoy their vacation!! We all ate dinners together in the evening and had cocktails at the pool.. Fun was had by all!! We will miss you guys! Be safe.. We love you!!!
Here are misc pictures we took during the week..
These photos below are the sunglass shots, check out the reflections…
Cesar’s Birthday Celebration! 3/8
Above photo is Cesar after we sang Happy Birthday to him.. I do believe a tear or two came to be..
Jeff made reservations for all us at the Japanese Restaurant here in Kapaa, Kintaros! Cesar was in heaven.. He loved all the Japanese food!! Being he is from the Philippine's himself.
It is too bad that the restaurant itself was so poorly run. The rudeness from the woman who seated us to the bartender and the servers! I couldn’t believe these people were all so rude..The server made the comment “you all tight” because we had separate tickets! One of the other servers said to me “I heard you the first time”, because I wasn’t sure Rich had order the right saki.. wow.. I wasn’t too much on the food.. Everyone’s food seemed to be mediocre at best. Of course being that the staff was all so rude probably made the food not so good either.. I will write a comment on “Yelp”..
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Kuilau Trail 3/7/13
Ev and took a drive on Thursday morning up to Opaeka Falls and then continued on to the Kuilau Trail where we hiked.. It was gorgeous!! We hiked about 4 miles round trip..
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Cutest Japanese Girls 3/6
The first night we were here we were in the Hot Tub and met the cutest girls from Japan.. Soko, Kyoko and Koto (Katie) (spelling of all names??). So sweet and very friendly. We would see them here and there and all over the island.. I could hear in the background “Linda” and I would look around and here were my new friends.. Soko fell in the rocks on the beach and broke her foot!! poor thing.. We hope you have a very speedy recovery!
Kyoko was the chaperone I believe.. All were so very nice!
We wish you all safe travels!!