WOW!! A whirlwind week!! We decided on the trailer we wanted last week! So on Tuesday when we left home we had the truck and checks and off we went in the rain.. :( We called the “rv” place to let them know we would be a little late.. and the owner of “rv” place says to us “you did bring the tv you wanted mounted”? uuummm no we didn’t.. well had to hit Costco and spend an extra $200 bucks for the TV for the bedroom.. we also bought some batteries, 2-6 volts we had wired in series.. longer lasting power.. When we arrive at the “rv” place they were working on getting the trailer ready for us.. After a short time we were hooked up and on our way.. LOVE OUR NEW TRAILER..
We parked out in front of Lindsy & Chris house for the next 4 days.. We are so excited to have the new trailer!! We shared with all family and friends while visiting..
Tuesday night Lindsy & Chris took us too Graziano’s (dinner house) for dinner in Petaluma.. Their food is always consistently good for years.. a very good choice for dinner.. :) Lindsy and I did a little bar hopping after dinner.. however it was pretty dead everywhere.. probably because it was Tuesday night before Thanksgiving..uumm.. Still I managed to feel the drinks from Tuesday night on Wednesday, my actual birthday.. But managed to survive.. We did quite a little shopping on Wednesday to get ready for Thursday’s feast.. When we got home I made up some homemade clam chowder for our dinner.. In the meantime we were joined by friends and family dropping by to help with with they could. Charles came by to give me a little wine and home made cake.. very nice.. Jeff and Cesar came by to help set up tables.. Sister Kim came by to have a birthday cocktail with her sister.. Very nice day..
Thursday, we were up bright and early.. busy day today, lots of cooking.. For some reason this year I was a bit disorganized?? not sure why, but things didn’t fall into place as they usually do..?? Maybe due to the new trailer or other things?
Guests started arriving at the Jacob household about 1pm that afternoon.. Everything cooking was spiking everyone’s appetite. The appetizers were munched up like there were no more coming.. Thankfully everyone brought their appetite!!
Before long dinner was being served.. Dinner was delicious as it always is.. Everyone ate till they were probably miserable, I know I was included in that I also ate way too much! and they say “turkey” makes you sleepy.. I was ready for a long nap.. Thankfully the weather was lovely that day!! A well heated day that toped 70 degrees plus! Bright sunshine, really lovely day! We served up about 26 dinners in all that day.. and I believe everyone left quite content..
Friday was shopping day.. We didn’t leave at the butt crack of dawn as we did a few years ago. We didn’t really get a start till nearly 11am. A good nights sleep.. We hit a few stores and got a few bargains, but then back home we went.. We were serving leftovers to some of the people that were our Thanksgiving guests… mostly family.. We had another nice visit with everyone and retired early on Friday night.
Saturday we were going home.. Early to rise on Saturday, headed over to my sister’s and she cooked us a nice breakfast and from there we headed over to Phil &Toni’s for some bottles (for homemade vanilla) I had ordered and they were at their house.. Soon we were on our way hook up the trailer and get that beast home!!
We had a few more stops on the way home and arrive home about 4ish pm.. A little nerve racking getting the new (longer trailer 26’, compared to 23’ previous trailer) in the driveway) trailer in the driveway and parked!! YIPEEE we got it all done..
So we are all parked and now all the stuff is all put in the new trailer and ready for guests!! And our Christmas party this weekend coming up! Still have some decorating to do around the house,, hope to get this all done by Tuesday this week..
Check out the pictures from the past week.. fun..
Beautiful Clearlake in California

Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..
Sunday, November 25, 2012
My Birthday/Thanksgiving Week/New Trailer
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Philosophical Society at Riviera Hills Restaurant
Due to the Rob Roy closing in September of 2012, we had to find a new place to hold our meetings once a month on the second Sunday. We have now tried the Greenview Restaurant at Hidden Valley and now the Riviera Hills Restaurant in Kelseyville. Both were wonderful. For now we are trading off every other month until we decide possibly on one..
Our December meeting will be December 9th at the Greenview Restaurant.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Our New Trailer!!! Rockwood 2012
We pick it up next Tuesday.. Nice birthday present?? Happy Birthday to me!!
Length: 26'*
Equipped w/ following options: Cherry Wood, Power Tongue Jack, 4 Power Stabilizing Jacks, Raised Panel Refer Fronts, Heated Holding Tanks, Convenience Pkg B, 26" TV w/ 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound, Day/Night Shades, Rear Ladder, Aluminum Wheels, CO2 Detector, Heated Mattress, Water Purifier, Create A Breeze Bathroom Vent
Sunday, November 11, 2012
November my Birthday Month 2012
Had a great time at the Moose Turkey Dinner.. really delicious.. Last night Larry & Lynn took us out (they drove) and we went to dinner. Early celebration to my birthday.. Lynn had these cute snow globes she had bought last year after Christmas and she wanted to be sure I got them before I started decorating the house for Christmas, which will probably take place sometime around the middle of the week this week. Due to having our Christmas party the 1st Dec, I want to get it all done a head of time.. and besides I love it so much and enjoy putting it all together and then enjoying it all up for the short time it is up.. We stopped a cocktail lounge in Kelseyville on the way over and one of the patrons (sure he is a regular) came over and serenaded me/us for my birthday.. He sang “Waltzing Matilda” in his “aussie” accent.. Then went to TJ’s for dinner in Lakeport..
Spent the last couple days making Lasagna for the Moose, for my dinner Dec 3rd. Already have 20 plus orders for take home Lasagnas. And I also got two big trays made for my actual dinner on the 3rd. If I happen to get more than 40 people the night of the dinner, will run out..Normal turn out for most of the dinners is about 25 to 30 and sometimes less.. I have had it happen to me before when people know I am cooking, I sometimes get 50 plus!! That is scary..
This morning we are headed over to Riviera Hills Restaurant for our Philosophical Society monthly meeting. We are trying out new different restaurants since the Rob Roy Golf & Country Club closed.. sad.. We loved it there.. However there was an article in yesterdays paper that someone bought it and they will be opening the golf course in a couple of weeks, as for the restaurant it make take a couple of months due to the liquor license taking forever to get ok’d.. you know the government??!
I have invited a new couple, Gary & Pam Pryor to join us this morning for Brunch.. I am hoping they will love the group and join the Philosophical Society.. They are a couple from Palm Springs area.. She is so sweet and she works at Safeway doing the flowers over there.. needed something to do and somehow to meet people when she came here.. Not sure she likes it here, but hopefully the group we are meeting this morning will probably be right up her alley!! He is a substitute teacher, with some serious type of Math.. Very intellectual seems and very quite, and he smiles a lot.... It will be interesting to say the least..
Tomorrow will head over to Willits to see a friend that probably I only see about once a year and this the time.. We started out being friends when we met about 9 years ago in the corvette parade in Lakeport. Ev had a corvette for a while, but never drove it so we sold it and bought the boat.. much better.. Anyway they had a corvette too and we just became friends.. However she lives in Willits and I live in Clearlake Oaks, about hour and half drive.. In the past 4 or 5 years she has been caring for her father who lived in Ft Bragg.. she spent so much time with him and helping her Mom there wasn’t much time for anything else.. Now her father has passed and she is healing.. she loved her Dad so much and now that he is gone she misses him horribly.. She will survive.. Anyway we started doing a little gift exchange once a year, that covers birthdays and Christmas.. and she loves Christmas as much as I do.. so mostly we exchanged Christmas decoration type gifts.. Then got through that phase now share food.. She makes the best Blackberry pies!! and I make great Lasagna!! and then it seems are always some other little things that slip in there.. Mostly it is a good time to reflect and hug each other. She is a great gal.. and a great “pin” pal..
Tuesday hope to go back down to Santa Rosa to look at that trailer again.. the one we looked in Fairfield is out of the question they no way were budging off that price.. oh well.. found a better one I think anyway.. Will keep you posted..
This shot below is last week we met with Rich & Judy and went to dinner at Zino’s.. One of the worst dinners ever, and not just me, everyone.. so sad.. and it isn’t cheap! We have tried them about 4 times now, and still isn’t very good.. I noticed a lot of people seem to only come for drinks??