Diane is one of my best friends! And I miss her so much, haven’t seen her for a few years now. Rick is also a long time friend of our mutual friend Diane.
Rick is a good boy and made a point to get in touch with her, make a “date” and go see her for the day when he left here on Sunday.
Rick & Diane had a GREAT day together.. They went driving, went gambling in North Shore Tahoe, then went to South Shore Tahoe and gambled, ate dinner, etc… and the nice thing is Rick came away winner!!
Rick sent me these great photos of them that day.. Diane doesn’t have a computer? Don’t know what is up with that? uumm? Oh well not everyone is like us? Right?
She is a GREAT lady and we all love her dearly!
Rick made it home on Monday (April 30, 2012) afternoon about 2pm
Beautiful Clearlake in California

Pacific Ocean/Mendocino Feb 2016
After a very very long year of learning to live a new life with my most recent handicap. I am getting movement in my arm!! :) It started the end of August and has been progressing, slowly. My issues with paranioia and depression are also getting better. I am confident that things will continue to progress. However, loosing a whole YEAR of my life is devastating to say the least. However, keeping a positive attitude for the most part has been a huge challenge, but I do it. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have been so encouraging and helpful. Thank you..
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Rick visits our friend Diane
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Car Races-Lakeport
After a busy day at the Moose with installation, the “boys” who were out in the boat all day, partying at Richmond Park wanted to head over to Lakeport for the Car Races!! Hurried and got done at the Moose, grabbed a plate of food and out the door I went to meet them at home. We were all home about the same time, grabbed a few bites of that food I brought home, changed clothes and out the door we went! We got to the races about 5:30 or so! Haven’t been in many years.. When I used to go the races were called the “Hard Tops”.. hehehe.. doesn’t seem to be the case these days.. There are so many different names these days.. Here are some of the names of the different category’s >>MODIFIEDS, BOMBERS, PRO-JAMMERS, JR-JAMMERS OUTLAWS, MINI STOCKS, BANDOLEROS (this was the best, 9 years olds!), B.C.R.A. MIDGETS.
Tonight was our last night with brother Rick, he is leaving in the morning, early.. We had a GREAT TIME at the races! If you are in Lake County, CA you should try it.. it is fun!
We had a few beers, some JUNK food.. (like fair food) Meet some nice gals from here.. Jeanne and Kathy… They shared their red licorice with us..
We hope Rick will come back soon! He is now offically retired, however you know the guy will never stop really working!! He needs to come here and relax.. We love you brother Rick! Come back anytime!!
Here is some trivia for you>> The kids can race starting at the early age of 8 years old, with kids being able to transfer into the Legend cars when complete a certain amount of time and races or when they hit 14 years old. We look forward to a very good and exciting year with the Bandoleros making their debut at the speedway for a full race season in 2012..Check out the Lakeport Speedway!! <<click on Lakeport Speedway..
Installation at the Moose Lodge 2012
“Out with the old and in with the New”, was the theme for this years May 28th Installation of Officers at our Moose Lodge. I was this year’s installing regent. Irma Guilbert was the installing chairman. The ceremony is a basic ritual inducting new officers to take their roles as the new leaders of the WOTM (Woman of The Moose). We have not done this ritual for about 5 years, due to Mooseheart saying we no longer need to have it. However the down fall of not having the ritual, the woman whom are taking office feel that they have not been honored or duly sworn in and therefore seem to take their positions no quite as serious as one might think.
I do believe this year with the leadership of Pam Rowland (new senior regent) and her full plate of officers and chairman! I fore see this year to be prosperous and successful!
Good Luck to all of our new officers!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Photos of Clearlake
On my way over to the Paradise Beach House today I stopped
along the way to take some photos of the lake. With all the clouds/sun/blue skies there were some great shots of the lake.
Spring Clean up at The Paradise Beach House
Thank God for a great brother, Rick.. He built us a wall onto the “lean to” we have on the side of the garage to keep our washer/dyer safe from the elements. He is so fast that he was done by the time I got there with lunch! Of course we need to paint it too.,. The wall was done so there were other chores that needed tending. We spent the day cleaning up around the yard, etc.. Had a couple of beers then were on our way.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Weekend with family/friends in Petaluma
Rick was out on the lake fishing first thing Friday morning! Like the “crack” of dawn, 6 am!!! dang.. He was all over the place out there, we could see him from the deck going from place to place, trying to catch that “BIG” one! However seems like he was catching the “LITTLE” ones.. At least he didn’t get skunked.
Rick got in and Ev went down to get Rick and the boat.. They got the boat put away and Rick packed up and headed down to Petaluma. He had made arrangements to stay with our sister Kim for 2 nights. His first evening was spent with some long time friends Phil & Toni Brooks.
On Saturday night John & Kim hosted the family and some friends over for bb-q.. John is a great cook. He cooked a New York strip, with twice baked potatoes, broccoli w/cheese and corn on the cob! Everyone pitched in for hors d'oeuvres, lot and lots!! Probably didn’t even need dinner!
It was wonderful to visit with everyone. Nice to see faces that we hadn’t seen for awhile and catch up.
Sunday Morning we were invited over for omelets at Kim’s and Rick was making the omelets and Kim was doing everything else. We arrived about 9am.. Phil & Toni had already arrived, Lindsy and Chris also joined us..
Our omelets were made a different way than I had ever made them. Rick & Kim had cut up all the ingredients.. You know onion, pepper, tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese.. Rick was whipping up a couple of eggs in a cup and then each one of us had a small zip lock bag with our name on it. We were instructed to fill our zip locks with what we wanted in our omelets and then the egg went in on top, we got as much “air” out of the bag as possible, then tossed the bag into a pot of boiling water for about 15 minutes!! OMG! What a fantastic omelet that was!! Never had one like that before.. It was so cool. We also had bagels, fresh fruit, some champagne/oj for mimosas.. Everyone enjoyed their breakfast.. Lindsy, Chris and Colin headed for the “A”s” game.. We finished up said our good byes and we headed home..
Rick followed us till he got bored.. then he zoooomed by us and headed home.. We met at the house then headed for Robinsons Rancheria for a little “gamble” time.. Rick broke even and Ev & I made $172 on the dollar machine and out the door we went!! We had discussed that we would eat dinner in Lakeport at “TJ’s”, opened about 2 years ago.. It is decent and the atmosphere is pretty nice too.. especially for Lake County.. We had nice dinner and a few drinks.. Then headed home for a relaxing evening..
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The BIG one didn’t get away!
Finally after Rick’s 4th day of being here, he finally gets to go fishing! Bought a dozen minnows for $14!! YICKS! Had one bite and one fish! Fish was probably about 7#’s! Catch & Release! But you know “the worst day fishing is better than the best day working”. Rick is now retired?? well semi-retired. We have been having so much fun!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Hamburgers at the Moose
Whimpy Burger Wednesday…
Actually today Rick & Ev were going to go fishing… Got the boat out, but couldn’t get the outdrive to go up or down.. Made a few calls and fooled around with it for about 4 hours and got it to work. Seems the wires that went onto the battery from the motor of the outdrive, the ends were a bit big and weren’t touching the terminals.. uummm.. oh well it is fixed so Thursday will be the fishing day! So to fill the latter part of the day we took a ride over to the lake house so Rick (who is on vacation) could look at the wall I wanted him to build.. hehehe (some vacation huh?). We got the material list that he needed to build this wall out on the laundry shed.. We also picked up Rick’s fishing license, some tackle so they can fish on Thursday!
Finally Whimpy Burgers were consumed by all! Best burgers in Clearlake/Clearlake Oaks! Thomas does a fantastic job!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Post replacement on the deck
Rick had me order the posts for this replacement a few months back. Now on the day after he arrives for his 2 week vacation, I put him to work!! Bad sister! Both Ev and I are so happy to have this done. I have been worrying about it for sometime now. Thanks Rick great job! Great apprentice you have with you!!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Celebration of Rick’s Visit
Rick arrived about 9:30am this Monday morning. Of course he had driven all night to get here. We invited Rich, Judy, Charles, Rob & Gayle over for dinner.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter spent with special friends
Our Easter was wonderful we spent it with some dear friends, Larry, Lynn, Laura and Lee.. We enjoyed cocktails before dinner at the bar. Just as we were to sit down Alaina (our housekeeper and special friend) stopped by for a shore visit, got some food and away she went. Little stinker!
We started our dinner with some homemade Clam Chowder, then moved on to the serious food, spiral ham, sweet potatoes and cauliflower. Topped off the dinner with homemade Lemon Meringue Pie. Everyone got a small Easter basket with some little goodies and some colored eggs to take home for a egg salad sandwich..
Monday, April 2, 2012
Lindsy’s 35th Birthday Party
What an evening!!! It is Saturday March 31st and we are about celebrate Lindsy’s 35th Birthday! Actual b-day April 2nd.
Lindsy & Chris made reservations for 9 of us at Graziano’s in Petaluma at about 8pm Saturday evening.
Lindsy & Chris invited everyone (9 of us) to come by their house for a drink and some hor'duerves. And then we would call a/2 cabs to take us downtown for dinner and more drinks.
After a couple of hours of visiting and sharing stories, we all piled into the cabs and off we went for a hell of a great time!
We arrived at Graziano’s and bellied up to the bar. Well, where we could squeeze in. The place was packed, however we all managed to worm our way to the bar. We got our drinks and partied had another drink and then to the table we went. As you can imagine with all this booze we needed some food to tone us all down.. Not sure the food helped? From what I can remember our dinner was delicious. Everyone seemed ot have something different. I had the pork tenderloin, it was amazing! So good! I didn’t hear anyone complain about their dinner, so guess it was all good!!
While we were all sitting there we decided we were going to Mario & Johns for the second leg of partying! We called an a long time acquaintance Bob Hatfield was bartending. I called Bob (a different voice from the past) and said this was “Linda Moyles” we would like to come down if you are going to open for awhile? He said “come on down”.. We finished up our dinner, Lindsy’s birthday cake and off we went once again in the cabs! I do believe Bob was surprised to see us all there together.. There was Lindsy, Chris, Mike, Julia, Everett, me, Jeff, Cesar and my sister Kim. We visited with Bob a little.. Hadn’t seen Bob in quite a few years (maybe 14? years), it was nice to see him, this guy is ageless, looked the same, scary. I am sure he wished we all had not come in to keep him there till nearly 12:30 before we all left.. It was Drunkfest”.. We all had such a fun time!
I am not sure how we all piled into the van/cab (all 9 of us) to get back to Lindsy & Chris house. But we did.. Lindsy had a slight problem exiting the van, as you will see in the last pic.. LOL thankfully she wasn’t hurt.. She missed the “curb”?
I am so grateful that we all had such a wonderful time! Lindsy was thrilled to have everyone with her to celebrate her birthday! Pictures are funny!!