If you belong to an organization, such as the Moose/Elks/Eagles, etc.. It is usually the same people always working in the kitchen cooking. Or the same person sitting at the cashier desk, etc.. sure you get the idea… Another little bit of philosophy for you.
First of all you have to know “how to use a phone”, you would be surprised “how many people don’t” or are afraid of it or feel that they need to do all work and be the martyr! and then cry “Poor Me’..
First of all when you belong to an “ORGANZATION”, key word being “ORGANIZATION”, that means there is other people that belong and they joined because they want to “BELONG”.. They may only want to belong because they want the cheap prices on the drinks at the bar or for the wonderful food and wonderful prices they get as perks for being part of the “ORGANIZATION” a “member” if you will.
Then there is the “member” that needs a bit of coaxing to help out in other areas, such as the kitchen, cashier, table setting, etc.. Here is where “how to use the phone” comes in.. You get a phone list of the membership, go down the list and start calling. Just remember that these people joined and they are a “member” of the same ‘ORGANIZATION” you are. They really do want to be a part of the “ORGANIZATION”.. maybe they can’t help work, however they may need to be invited down for a dinner, maybe they felt nervous cause they don’t know anyone, but, now they know you.. 
For the “Member” that say’s yes to coming down and helping set the tables you have made great headway.. So while he/she is there, you ask them if they could come and help set up next week for the dinner/breakfast, they may say yes or no. But don’t stop there! Think of possibly another event and ask them to be a cashier or table setting (Write it down).. Now this person has helped with table setting, cashiering, now maybe cause this person is now comfortable with his surroundings, he may say “ I could probably do a small dinner” if I had your help? or you may ask this person to help you with a dinner/breakfast/lunch etc.. Pretty much you are asking this person to be your “friend” and people that belong to an “ORGANIZATION” want a sense of belonging. Whether it is helping out or just being a patron. People like to see familiar faces.. Make them feel welcome..