I am thrilled with the way my class at the Deer Park Independent living home went! My class consisted of 6 students. I successfully taught 4 to get their email accounts going!! YIPEEE.. I did loose a couple due to the fact that we only had 2 computers. I did break it down to 2 groups of 2. I had one on looker that had already gotten her email account and one that just lost interest. The evaluation sheets that I handed out were positive.
I did learn a few things from my experience with this first class in 10 years. One, that I need my graphics LARGER in size that I have on my handouts. Two, really need them to have their own computers, such as a lap top or private lesson.. Three, hopefully they are familiar with the mouse. Mouse functions are critical in using the computer.
I drove down to the North Bay on Wednesday and set up lunch with a friend of mine from High School, Helen. We met at Sweet River in Coddingtown. We had a nice visit catching up on old times as well as each others busy lives. It’s always nice to see someone from the past and keep in touch. Helen is fun and a very talented lady. She is a beautiful seamstress, quilter, etc.. Anything to do with sewing she can do it with ease.

My daughter Lindsy was able to get half a day off on Thursday, so we met at Coldwater Creek in Santa Rosa for lunch and a bit of shopping. We had a fun day shopping for the those great deals!!
I spent all three night with her and her family. Each evening we would gather together and share the events of the day. We would have a cocktail and then dinner. I always love being with all of them! Colin cracks me up everytime! He is just so funny!
In the morning before meeting Lindsy I was able to walk around downtown Petaluma and get some shots of the downtown area..
The day of my class my sister Kim who is the activities director for the facility I did the teaching at drove me down. Kim was gracious showing me around the facility as well as introducing me to some of the residents and staff. Everyone was so great.
After the class was over Kim and I met Chris for lunch at Finnegan's in downtown Novato. Great hamburger, it was fresh instead of frozen. Great company what more could you ask for?!

After lunch Kim and I went to Northgate to do some shopping. She had some great “Kohls” cash to use!
We also visited Macy’s where I used to work many moons ago, looking for a familiar face at the cosmetic counters.. no one I knew.. I was sad.. I proceeded upstairs to use the restroom. I ran into one of my favorite people PAM GATTI!! Finally a familiar face! I said “Hello Miss Pammy!!” and she looked at me??? Then she recognized me!! We embraced each other and them proceeded to walk and talk and catch up a little before I had to leave. We needed to leave before the traffic. We shared a few stories and caught up a little, found out we are both on FB.. imagine that one? LOL.. That is great!

We got on the freeway and as we got closer to Petaluma there was lots of traffic.. yuck hate traffic. We made it to my sister’s from Northgate to Petaluma in about 50 minutes. Oh well. Kim and I had a couple of drinks talking about the event of the day.. Then she and I decided she should come to Lindsy & Chris and spend the night and have dinner with us.
We all sat around the table that night talking and having fun till about 10pm and then lights out.. It was a wonderful visit! I dropped Kim off at home before heading home on Saturday.